Do You Have ADHD?

Do you have ADHD by this links specifications?

  • Do you have a high level of ADHD?
  • Do you have a medium level of ADHD?
  • Do you have a low level of ADHD?
  • Do you exhibit no signs of ADHD?
  • Do you do well in your studies?
0 voters

Hi all. Just curious regarding the ADHD possibilities of the posters. According to the following link do you have ADHD?

I scored high so I am not throwing any stones.

Also, how many of you who scored high, tend to score high in your studies? I sure do, but I do have to study for my grades.

With regards,

aspacia :sunglasses:


Now I know we will have fun in Vegas. Btw, didnā€™t go, my mother is sick.

Anyway, the disadvantages of that medicine? Not hungry, keeps you up at night, makes your mouth dry, metallic-tasting, hyper-focusedā€¦ and tired (very tired) if you miss a dose.

I have been off it for a few months now, but it really does help if you are certifiable. (so to speak) :smiley:

I thought you were coming out in October? Oh, Well.

K this poll is annoying, remove the part about ā€œDo you do well in your studiesā€ as that should not have correlation to ADHD for the purposes of this poll.
What if I fall into both catagories? See the problem?

lol awesomeā€¦

They told me i needed 6 out of 9 for 3 categoriesā€¦

I like to say i scored ā€œperfectā€ with the psycologist.

Do you have ADHD by this links specifications?
Do you have a high level of ADHD?
Do you have a medium level of ADHD?
Do you have a low level of ADHD?
Do you exhibit no signs of ADHD?
Do you do well in your studies?

#-o Thatā€™s not a poll, thatā€™s a list of questions.

If I were to vote which one is my favorite question, I would choose the last one.


Kebop, I do apologize. Many ADHD folks are super smart, but just have trouble sitting still to study. I did not attend college until 33 as I could read a chapter, then do laundry, yardwork, whatever. To succeed in college, often one must park their ass for a minimum of an hour up to three hours, before taking a break.

Suvey would be a better word, but the site does not allow for this, so I went with poll.

My point is that the doctors and drug companies often create diseases, symptoms, whatever, to line their pockets. Rather than say, you need to change your diet, eat more fruits, quit frying foods, get more exercise and rest, they prescribe an expensive pill.

However, there are true cases of hyperactivity, and manic depressive episodes, where drugs are necessary. Iā€™ve seen a few films of subjects who exhibit these symptoms. With some, a change from white flour and sugars brought them to the norm.

Jeez, edit, edit, @#$% why am I responding to you?

Again, I donā€™t think it is the doctors trying to line their pockets. The drug companies? Maybe.

But look at the sale of weight loss drugs in America. People want to fix their problems, not through work, but through a pill. That is why there is a market for these types of products.

Interesting. I always had problems focusing, and only today for the first time I took Ritalin. Didnā€™t have any effect on me.

Anyway, even if you are completely healthy, I think you should take as many pills as your health allows, because there are lots of great pills out there.

Pills that improve your mood
Pills that improve your attention span
Pills that calm you down
Pills that allow you to sleep better
Pills that make you think better

Even if you have no problems whatsoever, these pills will improve you on many levels. Although some have sideffects, and some are addictive, you still can regularily take a few pills and become a better version of yourself.

Its like alcohol. If you are nervous drink some, especially works well on dates.
If you donā€™t overdo, you can use narcotics without worry.