Do You Like Being Ruled By Lawyers?

Lawyers have taken their “rightful” place at the helm, issuing and executing orders in the name of stability over anarchy and structure over freedom. They dominate our government. By the mid-90s, both the president and his wife were lawyers, along with 42% of the House and 61% of the Senate. Add to this the federal regulators, led by lawyers, who supervise over 130,000 employees assigned to churn out and enforce rules, over 70,000 lobbyists, mostly lawyers, searching for favors and loopholes for their clients; the in-house and private attorneys for every affected bussiness, organization and agency; and the federal prosecutors prepared to enforce the will of the current administration. Prersident Bush is not a lawyer but he tried to get into law school in his mid-20s but was declined. The three leading candidates for the Democrat nomination are lawyers.

Lawyers have their finger in every pie. No public policy or personal activity escapes their reach. They can sell you contacts and political access, which have nothing to do with law students diligently study in law school. Ambvulance chaser have become more sophisticated, roaming the cocktail circuit and halls of congress for profit.

It would be nice to imagine lawyers as protectors from tyranny, by the converse seems apparent.

Lawers charge different rates, and only the rich can afford the best. Is this fair?

Lawers are scum. My mother was almost a lawyer, and I can see why she wanted to become one.

The best lawyers will take exceptional cases for a token fee or even free. When a case attracts high publicity or a novel principle of law, or simply moves the lawyers conscience, he may make a special fee arrangement or waive the the fee. But a poor murderer is certainly at a disadvantage to a wealthy one. Most lawyers are just run-of-the-mill hacks.

Lawyers might be scum by and large, but I sometimes wish I’d have become one. After all, the wealthiest ones might become so by being unscrupulous, but a lawyer with a conscience could still earn quite a bit.

I thought about trying to become a defense lawyer for just for non violent crimes. I think people who haven’t hurt anyone but maybe have committed crimes for economic reasons could use a little help.

there are scummy lawyers, yes but there are good ones out there too. the bad ones tend to stick out…

Have you ever noticed how many lawyers are out there? Its like a seperate breed of human. Look at phone books, In one small phone book there are 5 pages of lawers and this phone book covers two towns, not cities, towns. DFW Texas there was well over twenty pages of Lawyers listed in that book. I swear they are breeding fast. They are like little chihuahuas or rats. Are there markings on infants that are the law breed? I keep thinking 666 or 999 for the decent ones :laughing:

shakespeare was right

but this time, we have the guns.


I had forgotten Shakespeares words. LOL you are right.

Lawyers litigate. And for that they are very important because litigation creates civilization.

Lawyers make good politicians, and are so prevalent, because they tend to see both sides of an issue. They bring parties together.

They often see only their goal- to make someone out to be guilty, or innocent. They create a rift in order to get to their goal.

That quote from Shakespeare follows a rousing speach from a rebel, aimed to stir commoners to overthrow the king. The idea of killing all the lawyers is to eliminate any resistance the king might lean on, in seeking counsel or laying plots to stymy the rebellion. So the speaker wants the lawyers aside not because lawyers are a collection of pariahs, but because they help maintain resistance to treason which he proposes to carry out.

“Send lawyers, guns and money!
The **** has hit the fan!” (Warren Zevon)

You know the rules, Lex, therefore you have an advantage - as does every other lawyer.

Hey Yopele,Just curious… I think you have the 999 because you are a good person, but just to be sure…is it 999 or 666? And where is it hidden? :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Lawyers can and do create rifts. But that is not their goal as you suggest. More often than not they bring parties together to work out their difference. In doing so they establish standards of conduct, like how to respond to sexual harassment. Lawyers help people in getting redress. Redress and a day in court is often more important than the outcome.

I think if it wasn’t for lawyers keep squabbling American’s apart, America long ago would have seized to be a coherent nation.

The responses depend on what person you ask and the surrounding circumstances.

Sometimes it’s 666, sometimes 999 – the relevant variable is whether I’m sufficiently “happy”, if you know what I mean. :wink:

Case closed.

Ahhh, I was really curious about its location :wink: :laughing:

Lawyers are needed for any society, they are the mediators of disputes. without Lawyers it would be a whole lot messier. They are the pseudo rulers.

But is it fair for a rich guy to hire an extreemly good lawyer, and a poor man to take the ‘free’ lawyer? Is this justice?

Now where did I say that?

If we want justice then we need to get justice not have someone tell us what it is. Freedoms are not given, they are earned. We as a community have allowed this to happen. Why blame others?

Public Defender lawyers are not all bad nor uncaring. They do work for their clients just as hard as a paid one does. Not all but, alot do. Keep in mind Lawyers in the public defenders office also have private practices. If the courts recieve complaints from Pro Bono clients, the PDs risk alot.

If the system is to be changed then all must dig their heads out of their bu… er sand and fight for it rather than allow others to do so.

Kris- I wasn’t speaking directly to anyone. But you sorta responded to what I said, so…

Why would a public defender give a shit about winning cases if he get’s paid the same amount of money if he didn’t win?

(I assume they don’t get paid for winning cases, correct me if I’m incorrect)

Same reason a high paid lawyer gets paid wether they win or lose. Ethics, strict ethics based on the constitution. I don’t know if PDs get paid. Hey Yopele do PDs get paid?