Do you like "Two and a Half Men"? (TV Show)

What do you think of “Two and a Half Men”?

  • Its great. I totally see why critics drool over it.
  • Its OK. Certainly watchable.
  • I don’t get how anyone could watch this show for more than two minutes. It’s awful.
0 voters

Critics seem to always mention this show when their talking about the best shows on TV. Do you agree?

This is the show with Charlie Sheen, John Cryer, and that overweight kid that used to be cute 7 years ago.

It has its moments. The character of the kid needs a good kick in the pants, its a deplorable character for kids to emulate. The guys in the show are pantywaists when it comes to the kid. What guy is going to put up with that crap??? Its rather disturbing to think their might be families out there with kids like that.

I like the show.

Kris - people emulate all sorts of things - that’s their problem. Sitcoms are fiction. It would be nice if people knew fact from fiction, but the producers of sitcoms shouldn’t be held responsible for that.

The first few series were good, it gets worse with each new season though, it’s slowly on the road to become a caricature of itself, the dialogue is getting worse and deplorably predictable.


But this happens with all long-running sitcoms. There is only so much to say about the characters in such a show. Every episode is a sequel.

What is wrong with you people? The show relies on jokes that any person of average intelligence can see coming a mile away. Honestly each joke in every episode consists of one of the following punchlines…

  • Charlie likes to have sex with different women
  • Charlie and John Cryers Mom is an evil witch
  • John Cryers son is an idiot with no future
  • John Cryer is a dork with no life
  • The maid is one tough woman

THATS IT! You can match the punchline with whatever topic the characters are curently discussing. I see absolutely no creativity involved. Truely funny shows like Seinfeld, Its Always Sunny in Philidolphia, Curb Your Enthuisiasm, South Park etc… try to at least suprise their viewers with material. I swear people who like Two and a Half Men must think George Lopez is the funniest man on earth.

Just out of curiosity…To the people who watch Two and a Half Men…Did you watch Arrested Development on Fox a few years back?

I think it’s a terrible show. Almost every joke in the show falls short of having comedic value.

The canned laughter is deplorable. I’d rather not be strong-armed into thinking what parts of the show are funny, when none of them are. It’s way over used.

I’ve seen the word deplorable used 3 times so far in this thread, which considering the amount of posts is quite a high frequency, I thus conclude this show to be, deplorable!

I don’t watch the show, but i’ve seen it on tv from time to time as I wait for another show to watch, it can be okay ‘funny’ but as a quality quality show, either for a comedy or whatever, I don’t think its particularly good.

Like its no seinfield or pushing daisies.

Pushing daisies is hilarious.

Good call Rebel…

I hate how you subconsciously pick up on a word and then start using it as part of your normal vocabulary. Stupid brain.

I have laughed during this programme but I felt dirty for doing it…

Yes, but that’s hardly an excuse, people should stop making them for so long if they’ve run out ideas.

Case in point; when Alan then broke up with a second wife and had to move back in.

I also think that 2&1/2men is worse than most; Fraser wasn’t as bad for example.

I think Fraser took longer to get stale. But it got stale. It also had a “weird” period somewhere in the middle.

But people do this for money.

Two and a Half Men also has hotter babes than Fraser.

Just thought I’d throw that in.

I haven’t seen that show, and am sure I never will. But this thread reminded me of hearing two DJ’s this morning on the local radio drive show. They were making a big deal about how an indicator of society’s decline is that the show “According to Jim” has been renewed for a 7th season. I think that’s the one with Jim Belushi and I have seen little snippets of it before turning the channel. It’s got to be one of the worst. So what’s up with that?

Kids will see the little snot get away with crap and try to do the same with their folks, Its rather disturbing there might be parents out there that react the same way as those two adults do. the wtiers and producers are not responsible you are right, but, they had to get that little snot character from some reference. That too is disturbing. :unamused: :laughing:

I honestly see no difference between the two shows. Both are deplorable. The humor they go for is identicle.

I, personally, didn’t like the show…

I’ve caught ‘Arrested Development’ a few times MJK, and thought it painfully hilarious, so much so, that I was compelled to watch to see what the main character would f*ck-up next…