Do you smoke?

Do you smoke cigarettes?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes/No-- Occasionally
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Just curious…

btw: Djarum Blacks are amazing.

Never have, never will (not including, of course, passive smoking, from those selfish, thoughtless fools who should know better!)

I am in a weird boat when it comes to smoking…

I have had insomnia for over a year and like smoking cigars in the early hours of the morning. But a lot of times I don’t feel like smoking the whole thing, so decided to look for a cigarette that actually tastes good.

I finally found one not too long ago (Djarum Blacks) and smoke maybe 5 a day/night. I don’t inhale them though, just like with a cigar. People think that people do this to fit in with friends, but I am not even around my friends when I do it. I just like to mellow in the middle of the night with them.

So I don’t know… I am not a smoker, I just like the taste and to relax, without inhaling.

Seems like a stupid thing to do, but different strokes for different folks I guess…

I smoke cheap ultra lights. Not too much in public anymore. Only when I know someone else is smoking too and the others around don’t care. I can live without it. Forcing others to deal with my smoke is down right rude So I don’t do it. LOL unless someone is rude to me. For instance; I am sitting somewhere , someone shows up sits near me and then demands I put my cig out. Yea, like that is going to happen. :laughing:

I average about one every three months. I know that makes me nothing of a smoker but I enjoy the odd one in the right circumstances, so it’s worth a mention. It’s a good ice breaker now there’s a ban over here in Scotland, so I often keep my friends company outside in the wind and rain and take the odd fag as a thank you.

american spirits…

Marlboro Smooths

Smoked everything. Gave up 4 months ago.



just how are those?

Camel Special Lights, and occasionally if I have some extra cash, Dunhill.


thats a fecking cheap pack of cigarettes

except for the odd rolly now n then, i only really smoke when drinking, normally Richmond Superkings or Lambert and Butler lol. When in Spain I go for Fortuna.

I tend to smoke hand rolled cigarettes (cheaper and you have more control over how long they last). Usually use Golden Virginia tobacco, but have been known to use Drum Gold.

As far as pack cigarettes go, I’ve never come across a nicer smoke than Gauloises Blonde, but they are difficult to get in the UK so I’m more likely to find myself with a Marlboro (Red or Light, don’t mind) when on that route.

2 packs a day.

Asthma beat out the cool factor in a 7 to 2 decision when I went to high school. I prefer being able to make it up stairs.

Used to…I quit though.

Every once in awhile after great intercourse or stressful situations I will occasionally light one up.

I smoke with coffee, beer, after a meal and after sex, so I smoke quite often actually. #-o