Do you tend to dislike people who step on bugs?

Part of it is I enjoy experimenting with their reactions. Not sure if I count that as “fun” as much as just satisfying curiosity. It’s cool to watch their reactions in response to different situations. For example, when I encounter an ant or just a few ants separated from their colony, they will zig zag in response to a shoe overhead, clearly trying to avoid getting crushed. Meanwhile, their reactions are way different if I’m standing over their home. I could hover my foot inches above an ant mound, and they don’t try to evade it at all. It’s like Independence Day where there is a giant spaceship over the city but instead of everyone panicking, they’re still taking the train to work. Even after I bring my shoe down, it is interesting to watch how quickly they return to business as usual. Even if I stand with my foot completely covering their home to try and block traffic in and out, they are undeterred. A small number will crawl on top of my sneaker I presume trying to bite me but the majority just continues to crawl around or even underneath the obstruction so they can go in or out. Ants seem to react differently to a human presence depending on their number and location. To me that is interesting.

You could say the same thing about single-celled organisms though, if you go far back enough. I think we’ve diverged to a point where that stopped mattering. The kinship you describe sounds more like an intellectual acknowledgement of a common ancestor rather than an emotional bond. I don’t believe there is anything inherently wrong with that. But it always flummoxes me that some (but not all) see how one treats bugs as a measure of their capacity to empathize. To them I’d say bugs are unempathizable.

If we take your statements as truth, such as (paraphrasing) others are unable to determine what individuals ought to think and feel about human interactions with other animals, how does that shape your perception of a guy like me who – I freely admit – doesn’t value the lives of bugs. Does it constitute a free pass to do whatever to them? I am curious as to your statements application. Since it seems to veer away from choosing sides morally or politically. It sounds like nihilism although I may not be fully comprehending.