Does America Have A Defining Culture?

It is often said that Americans are a people defined by and united by their commitment to political principles of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, human rights, the rule of law and private property. But these features define the political creed, and not a culture. It is also said that we are a “melting pot”. What does this mean? What common culture are we melting into? Before I give my take on this question, I’ll throw it open. What is American culture?

We melt into what is among the freest of free markets ever designed. It may include the marketplace of ideas - but the most important ideas are the ones that have the best commercial potential.

There is a cynical way to express this. Surely one of the resident socialists around here will oblige.

America is about simplifying the rules. It’s about not having much of a history - it’s a country that was founded at the right time, in the right place for that. Resource-rich, with just enough of a democratic tradition (but not too much tradition at all), on the cusp of the Industrial Revolution, largely by the sons of the originators of said Revolution.

A happy accident.

Insightful post. What underlies America’s pragmatic approach to solving the problems of the markets and making such profitable use of her resources and labor? You are no doubt familiar with Max Weber’s "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism". Mainstream American culture is Anglo-Protestant. That culture imparts the psychological conditions which encouraged the development of capitalism.

If I recall the book, the Protestant ethic encouraged diligent labor and the quest for wealth as these were earthly manifestations of salvation. Throughout American history, people who were not Ango-Saxon Protestants have become American by adopting America’s Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture and political values.

The Protestant ethic undoubtedly affected America’s unparalleled “Spirit of Capitalism” as Weber describes.

America is a trading federation. Nothing more.

There is no culture unless you want to include mass consumerism into the bid.

American culture is made up of materialism and idolitrization.

Not a very strong culture.

  1. Consumerist
  2. Christian
  3. patriarchal
  4. Personal Responsibility
  5. Racial and class stratification
  6. liberal
  7. media oriented
  8. Tendency toward cult of personality
  9. The young are expected to improve on the old
  10. Myth of meritocracy

All are prevalent throughout the entire country, no matter what city of what state one chooses to look at. These are the things we as a society believe and practice, and teach our kids to believe and practice. America has a culture.

I think the defining trait of american culture is the ability of americans to be totally tolerant and absolutely intolerant at the same time.

The pedophile evangelical whoremonger and the gay bashing gay republicans are the truest espressions of american culture.

A unique culture other countries would be hard pressed to duplicate.

I think that one trait that hasn’t been mentioned yet is the democratic nature of American culture. Willie Lowman isn’t just a character in a play, he is a quintessential American icon. Lowman, not to get too pendantic, is “Low man”. Previously plays had primarily dealt with the elite, especially within the confines of the Tragedy. This isn’t just about plays either, when we talk about “culture” in other cultures, we are almost universally discussing the elite section. In America, we have the veneration of the “everyman”, even if our society is as bourgeoisie as any other. This plays out in a lot of ways in a lot of places, in a way it doesn’t necessarily happen elsewhere, IMHO. For good and for ill.

Don’t you think Willie Lowman represents one who was excluded from the American Drean and conditionally the Anglo Protestant culture that breeds the kind of material success that he lacks? Just an off the cuff thought.

Of course he is, but because of his character, it had to be that way. But the play itself casts someone who is in that situation, as opposed to a heroic figure that is engaged in the tragedy.

Did you guys hear in the news about the 14 yr old boy that had a collection of small weapons which the media called an arsenal( mostly B.B. guns and knives). The boy allegedly asked a friend to go with him to shoot up a school. Now I have no problems with holding the boy for observation and therapy but, they arrested him on and this part defines our country.

Conspiracy to commit acts of Terrorism

… Now he only talked to his friend once I guess and the friend turned him over to the authorities. The Authorities raided the home and are now in the process of arresting the parents too if they can find a charge.

This is the new definition of America, You cannot speak freely.

you never had totally free speech…

you never could cry “fire” in a crowded building…

but you can teach perverted men how to rape boys and the aclu will defend you…


Sad but true.

People too often now believe it all started with Bush baby but, when schools started teaching kids to turn in family for drug use, drinking and other assorted things, and telling the kids that they will help their family when actually they arrest and destroy the family is when I really saw this country going down the toilet. That stupid police dog, Mcgruff?, cartoon is underhanded That was way back when I was in Jr. high.

Rick that’s a great book by Weber. I think he’s right that the mainstream religion here is one that promotes individualism and competition over cooperation. I’d say that our culture is one of shallow novelty and that it prefers ignorance over intelligence so long as the novelty isn’t threatened by external forces.

The US isn’t supposed to have a culture, and that’s the point.

Cultural beliefs have been behind many pointless wars and conflicts. The US is designed to stop that through the blending of all cultures.

I also agree with this too. Perhaps it is the role of America to unify all cultures.

But starting wars to spread democracy isn’t helping this cause. I think it would be better if we tought by example rather than forcing our ways upon the rest of the world.

Just because America is better, doesn’t mean one should boast.

The United States was founded by Englishman who brought with them an Anglo Protestant culture. This culture assimilated subcultures of immigrants. Anglo Protestantism incorporates a practical set of beliefs, particularly regarding work and simple virtues. That may be why America has the appearance of having no ethnic culture. There is no American ethnicity but there is a culture as described. Latterly several ethnic groups have settled in high numbers and are resistant to assimilation. America faces the prospect of multiculturalism. That is where your point about culture leading to conflict may apply.

You’re wrong about that.

The US was much more influenced by the then modern conception of Greek culture and the various movements going on in France. That’s why Franklin and Jefferson spent a lot of time in France consulting with French philosophers.

Well, the US is a revolutionary country, and although the main population seems to have forgotten that, it’s still true. If it’s not true, then the country is some kind of time limited revolution only for the current population, which makes no sense. Joe Selfish can thank the founding fathers for helping him to not be under the royal thumb, but somehow he feels no obligation to help others in the same way, what’s that? … 55697.html

I love that song.