Does anyone believe in magic powers?

Does anyone believe that there are people who have abilities that are magical?

Not I. There is a guy looking for proof:

Hasn’t found any yet. has a lot of great vids. Type in “randi”. There is Project Alpha, James Hydrick, Uri Geller, astrology, etc. He shuts them all down.

by magical you mean???

If you mean powers that we do not currently understand than yes, it’s not that hard concidering our limited understanding.

If you mean abilaties that exceed that of normal concepts of possability, than also yes. I’ve seen too many examples ,of people redefining what is possible, not to.

But if you mean people out there who wave a wand to cause all sorts of flashy effects that seem to completly disregard physics than no, even those examples which were the exceptions still flowed with physics rather than against it.

Yes. A lot of people believe that.

I’m waiting for ~Dan to post on this thread… :laughing:

It’s not a matter of belief… I know that there are people who believe that people exist who believe that they have magickal powers.

Sure it is. Do YOU believe there are people with magical powers.

Lollert. It’s just not working out this thread!
Why don’t you give us your own thoughts first?

The magus at work;

I think people do have special powers, but I wonder from a sociological perspective what people who visit this website might think and what that says about the people who visit this site. What groups of people are more likely to believe in magic and which groups are not?

My hypothesis is that people on this website are educated, probably college level. They are probably also people who have done well in school, or have recognized themselves as “smart” as the educational system has defined it.

Education tends to dispel the ideas of magic, magical powers, and God. The majority of people who have done well in school will believe as the institution suggests; that they’re are no such things. The majority that have been rejected by the institution (gotten bad grades) will have the opposite beliefs of the institution.

Therefore, most people will say, “no”, and that magic does not exist. My ultimate conclusion is we believe as those who have loved us believe and opposite those that have hurt us. Good grades being a form of love and acceptance, bad grades being a form of rejection and a source of pain.

For me, I’ve loved lots of people who have believed in magic.

Does that mean you believe in magic? It sort of does, doesn’t it?
Have you tried it yourself?

Yeah, I do. I pray.

I guess I’d be beating the odds then…most of those I love and grew up around believe in GOd, magic, etc. I don’t anymore (I used to).

There are some people who have sub-par reasoning abilities. Those people, when they never reason whether or not magic exists, believe in it.

You’re a true survivor, but it’s not just who has loved you as a child, but who you have loved throughout your whole life. Why else change your beliefs but for someone who loves you or as a reaction to someone who has hurt you?

I am going to take this argument a step further. No one has any beliefs that they do not have some emotional incentive to maintain.


Nope. Not even David Blaine starring at the camera with his “Oh yeah, I made that happen cause I got magic powers… bitch” face can convince me otherwise.

Now… if you’re talking about “magick”, as in Crowley, Blavatsky, Gardner, etc. … then that’s nothing more than overly-ritualized prayer. It is ridiculous to believe that causality is based on and controlled by a divine being, and that being can be persuaded to do something by your calling upon it.

It’s rediculous to beleive that but stupid to dismiss the possability. Open your mind to it being possible and the truth will be visable, But assume you know the truth and you will be a fool who knows nothing.

just a tidbit enjoy!

You mean your ‘truth’ will become visible.

Those who can do ‘magic’ must not like money, because that 1 million is still up for grabs.

Also, it seems to me that magic is not a noun denoting a thing, but an adjective giving a property to a thing(much like truth). In other words, magic is a synonym for ‘unknown’. Do I believe people can do magic? Well, I do believe people may be able to do some things which have not been documented how they’re done, and that unknown act could be conceived as magic. I don’t believe that people can do what is traditionally thought of as magic(i.e voodoo stuff).

An entity has magical power when they have an ability that significantly distorts the viewer of the abilities’ expectations of what an entity is.

So, I’m saying I’m not locking down possibility. What is, will change. The people who change what is are magicians.

David Blaine is not a magician because he hasn’t changed my expectations of what it is to be a human, at least not significantly. He’s only confirmed the beliefs I’ve already had.

If I pray to Jesus and expect that he can hear me and that he can change things, I grant myself magical powers.

I have seen real magic. It is astounding and scary. It is not what most people assume when they hear the word magic. I can’t even begin to describe it.

All I can say is if you meet a Shaman in some far off remote place under a seemingly absurd circumstance and he tells you he has something to show you go take a look.

Hardly, but if you say something is impossible you just wont see it if it does happen. your mind has a truly neat way of blocking out things you dont beleive exsists.

you can see this with a number of religious people as well as with a number of scientific people.

as for my truth, you would have to live my life to see what I see as true, and even if that were possible it would be unwelcome. Where would be the fun in that?