Does anyone else hate the adverts?

My Norton Firewall blocks most adds so I don’t find it disturbing at all. In fact the Ad for helped me a great deal.

One of my anscestors was rather good with a brush and out of curiousity, I clicked on to see what prints of his works they were selling. I saw that one of their prints was an obvious joke. But if you’re charging good money, it is forgery. I knew it wasn’t the sites fault so I sent them a friendly e-mail describing the problem. Three days later, they sent me a nice message thanking me and assured me it was being taken care of and it soon was. Some distributor caught hell. :slight_smile:

But the point is that without me seeing the ad on ILP I would never have known of this and contacted them so thanks ILP.

pwned rofl.



My tolerance for you is wearing thin. Kindly keep those sorts of comments to yourself.

  • ben

Sorry ben, im an ideeyet.

Now we see PG resort to the most lame tactic in the book - try to get banned to prove that she was ‘right all along’…

Get a life…