Until I found this site, I didn’t know that many people with as keen an interest in philosophy as myself (meaning they had actually read philisophical stuff), and I haven’t even read that much on it (compared to a lot of people on this site)… yet (I’m still young).
I did one of those fun internet personality tests and it says that I come under INTP. Heres the test I did - http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
If you are going to do an online personality test though, I recommend you read this first - http://www.tri-network.com/articles/instruments.html
I often feel different to everybody else (in the real world), but I figure thats just me. But the Internet is a big place and I am pretty good at locating sites (like this one) and people which interest me, and have made a few net buddies. Though until I found like-minded people, I had a semi-lonliness. Although I am usually quite content by myself, everyone needs to find a few people they can connect with.
Find people with the same interests - look at their profiles (if they have anything in their profile) - and PM them. After a while you will find if they are simliar to you and you will have yourself a net buddy.