I think people are not totally informed about true capitalism and communism. People believe that we are in a capitalist nation. Which is not true the only time The United States ever saw true capitalism was in the wild west. We live in a socialist society. Government does have a say in what goes on in the business. As a matter of fact with all of the states included, America, has more laws than most other countries. People also believe that the USSR was communist. It was not it was a socialist country and so is china. I don’t believe a big government could survive with either in its pure form. Communism does not work because of the basic nature of man. Communism is a utopia in which every works toward the good of the community. There is only one leader. Work is based on the need of the community. U would be assigned the work that is best suited for you. Some people are basically lazy. Communism leaves out culture and basically there will be no religion. People will always have some form of religion. No matter how rational we believe people to be there always those who will attribute some things to magic. About half of the people won’t like their chosen field. Even though they may be good at it. What incentives would society have to progress? Capitalism in its true form wouldn’t work, well we see what happen in the wild west during those few short years.
I believe in a VERY small system it could be plausible. But once you add more people you will slowly lose grip upon it (as in my opinion people are very flawed in their nature).
ptwiger4u: I think people are not totally informed about true capitalism and communism. People believe that we are in a capitalist nation. Which is not true the only time The United States ever saw true capitalism was in the wild west. We live in a socialist society. Government does have a say in what goes on in the business. As a matter of fact with all of the states included, America, has more laws than most other countries. People also believe that the USSR was communist. It was not it was a socialist country and so is china. I don’t believe a big government could survive with either in its pure form. Communism does not work because of the basic nature of man. Communism is a utopia in which every works toward the good of the community. There is only one leader. Work is based on the need of the community. U would be assigned the work that is best suited for you. Some people are basically lazy. Communism leaves out culture and basically there will be no religion. People will always have some form of religion. No matter how rational we believe people to be there always those who will attribute some things to magic. About half of the people won’t like their chosen field. Even though they may be good at it. What incentives would society have to progress? Capitalism in its true form wouldn’t work, well we see what happen in the wild west during those few short years."
K: some misconceptions here, I hope to answer all the misconceptions.
Actually the U.S. was a pure capitalist society from about 1870 to
about 1914 or the start of World War 1. The progressive movement
to end this pure capitalism began in the American west and move
east starting about 1885 or so. The presidential runs of William
Jennings Bryant (who by the way is directly related to me,
some first cousin on my mom’s side or some shit like that) were reflections of the western discontent with capitalism.
The movement to end the power
of the robber barons came with this west to east movement.
In this mix came the unions, which were beginning to get big
because of the horrible, horrible conditions of the working man
during this 40 or so years. 12 to 15 hour days 6 and half days a
week from childhood, 6 years old and up in factories, mines and
any other dangerous occupation, with sub standard pay (pennies an
no benefits of any kind (if you got hurt, well tough shit
and don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out)
You had no rights of any kind as a worker, NONE, and unions
were a way to try to fight back against this capitalist tyranny.
Now, Marx wrote his communist manifesto against this
background of the industrial revolution which was killing,
maiming, destroying thousands of lives in conditions that
were absolutely horrible, 15 or 20 people in a small room, with
no running water, no sewage disposal, and rats everywhere.
disease was rampant because of the horrible conditions.
The average life expectancy of a man in 1900 was less then 40
due to the conditions. Marx understood the hideous conditions
and wrote his books in an attempt to wake people up to the
carnage of the industrial revolution. Marx basic point was if
everybody worked and instead of the few super wealthy people
taking all the profits and by doing so, keeping the mass of
people in ghetto’s and living in nasty conditions. So instead of
profit going to the few, profit goes to the whole. It sorta
like moving a couch from the basement to the top floor of
a very tall building. If you get one or two people moving the
couch it is very hard and not very productive, if you get dozens
helping moving the couch, it can get done very fast and with
very little effort. That is the idea, everybody does the work
and the basic needs of everybody can get taken care of
in far less time and with far less effort. Marx thought with the
spare time the workers would have, they could spend the afternoon
improving themselves for instance going to school or attending
lectures. Take away the massive profit 500 families make and
which is 95% of the entire wealth of the united states and spread
that wealth about and you can improve 95% of the citizens.
95% of all American wealth is owned by 5% of its people.
Marx thought was wrong and so do I. Communism is about
correcting this inequality with eliminating the class
of people who own this 95% and making them work for a
living just like the rest of us. Marx was all about profit.
His books are not, REPEAT, not political books at all,
they are economics books. Written in the language of economics,
not in the language of politics. Later generations of thinkers,
Lenin, Stalin for example changed the focus, but Marx was
about economics. That is a point that is totally lost on people.
He considered himself an economist, not a political philosopher.
By the way, he did not have one leader, again that was the later
thinkers, Lenin and Stalin, for Marx the group involved in the
operation in question, together made the decision. It was as a group,
Marx wanted to make decisions, not the individuals. Communism has
never been tried as defined by Marx, it has been Leninism and
stalinism, but never Marxism. To say communism will never work
is simply ignoring the fact it has never been tried. I believe
communism is the future, actually I hope anarchism is
the wave of the future, but that is another topic.
I hope I have cleared up some common misconceptions about
K: it is a shame you have absolutely no idea, about what you
are talking about. Maybe learn something about communism
before you write. Might be a good start.
The country should be as democratic and un-corrupt as possible.
“Communism” is often a dictatorship/totalitarianism, and an abuse of the real meaning of the word “Communism”. Democratic communism is not enforced, it is requested. This sort of thing will rarely ever exist.
The whole soceity/state owning the property, instead of the minority owning the property, is a sort of collectivism. This insures a more balanced distribution of goods, and social-economic positions are selected, not taken.
Communism cannot exist today due to places such as the USA, which will do their damndest to subvert and privatize socialist resources.
But, most people don’t know jack-fuck about any of this. “Bad commies”, and that’s all.
If you want to show him why he is wrong, explain and source data. Teach and improve. There’s no use insulting him. Insulting him only makes you feel more capable of defeating people subjectively.
The tragedy of the commons is the tragedy of communism, it sounds great that everyone owns everything, but in practice it means that noone will take care of anything or do anything of value. It’s interesting to reflect on Marx’s optimistic view of human nature, since communism seems to assume an extreme altruism among all people. Even more interesting when you consider how supposedly “communist” revolutions actually churned out regimes which fostered the precise opposite of altruism. There were certainly some altruists among the early European revolutionaries, but they were silenced pretty quickly by the nascent Party. In China, no lip service was paid to altruistic communism at any stage of the revolution.
One of the biggest strengths of capitalism is certainly that it seems to be well in sync with human nature, or at least with the majority of the population. Selfishness, competition and envy are closer to heart than altruism.
Dan: Thirst, that was un-called-for.
If you want to show him why he is wrong, explain and source data. Teach and improve. There’s no use insulting him. Insulting him only makes you feel more capable of defeating people subjectively.
Th;Perhaps the same can be said for Kropotkin?
Surely you see that he chose to attack and not to discuss why I was wrong…
K:thirst, I wrote a long post about communism 4 post in this
discussion which was before you posted and it still answered
your invalid point about communism. You are simply wrong
about Marxism being about living off the wages of others,
that was the WHOLE POINT of Marxism, ending superwealthy people
living off of the people with profits. Thirst, you haven’t even
figured out the most basic point about Marx, he is an
ECONOMIST, not a political writer. How can you state any
truths about communism if you can’t even understand this
simple and rudimentary idea about Marx. When you understand
this idea, then please feel free to offer opinions, because then
maybe you might know something then. But as of right now
your ignorance is pretty complete about marxism.
Learn the difference between Marx and lenin. Lenin was
the political writer, stalin was a political writer and both
were dictators, quite clearly and they both twisted Marxism
to fit their needs, which was in being a dictator. Understand
that basic point, and we might be able to get somewhere.
Add any amount of sentience and will and self-awareness and you’ve got a problem that can only be rectified by suppressing or diminishing this will and self-awareness.
To create any communal identity one must first redirect or suppress the pre-existing self-identity.
Religion does it society does it and political ideals do it.
Where the gene was served best by the individual mind, the meme is served best by the collective mind.
Capitalism is a system that allows business to operate without government. Laize faire the main principle of capitalism means that government should keep their hands off business. That means no taxes tarriffs, rules or laws concerning business. Whether its local government or national. In the 1880’s government did tax some business to build the cities. Capitalism means there should not be any laws on selling drugs or selling bootleg CD’s or software. U should be able to go on any corner provided its not owned by private party and start a business legally without a liscence. That’s capitalism all out, any thing goes in business.