Does only imperfection create paradoxes?

Can something in a perfect form ever contradict itself like imperfection does?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Can something in a perfect form ever contradict itself like imperfection does?

The very act of having a form would mean its imperfect.

What is form? Form is in all essence no thing because there is form around form. Do you understand?


Even the space that is around the chair that you sit in and the table that your computer is on has form. Form is not a thing. Form is a state of being. It is every where. Without the space forming the outline of anything, do you really think anything would exist? Probably not.

Can something perfect contradict itself? What is Perfect?

Hahahah. Gimme a penny…

Perfect: A simple, linear, perfectly predictable, solid and unchanging thing, which is the idealism of the idiot. A manifestation of desire and expectation, of which, mind expects the whole world to suit its own want.

I’m guessing that:
AshesToAshes is a recovering “Christian”.
Having a life infected by wordvirus, and now, questioning and wishing to deprogram the human infection.

the classic evil paradox

god is omnipotent
god is omnibenevolent
evil exists

either god lacks the power to destroy evil or god does not wish to destroy evil



“Evil” is anything which is destructive and harmful, though, IMO.

Ofcourse, everyone has their own version of what the word means.

I see evil as a sort of parasitic, or cancerous destructiveness.

All paradoxes amount to the ignorance of our abilty to see beyond mentally suggested polarities. If paradoxes existed on a natural level, we couldn’t function as organisms. That they exists in religious and philosophical concepts exemplifies the disconnect between what is real and what is imagined, a favorite evasion of truth as experienced which is used to perpetuate religions and philosophies. Imperfection is a wrong label for the variables encountered in our striving to meet our potential. thus, I couldn’t vote.

Perfect is a contradiction in itself; it means ‘finished’, ‘completed’, yet it doesn’t exist.

are u sure?
what if it does?