According to research people who are educated at home do 34% better in all subjects then those who are taught at state schools. Also there was no difference in races doing better or worse when taught at home compared to big differences at state school.
Do people think that state schools zap the thirst for learning that people have and turn children into drones for the economy? After all people who think are dangerous.
The difference in results is because a school based education doesn’t push the individual as one does at home. A teacher of a large class can only progress the lessons at a certain pace and can only designate a very small portion of their time to catering to the individual, though I think they do a great job under the circumstances.
Creative thought is stifled in school education I agree. In the age of performance targets it’s a case of getting everyone up to a minimum level rather than pushing the envelope. Any difficult subject seems to be shunned as it would hurt the averages.
Also people are taught what business needs, there by only serving to expand the state. Is this right? until recently it was illegal in many countries and states to be taught at home.
I think the differences are in the style of education. At home children learn what interests them, not the needs of business. Their minds grow and question what they see around them and that keeps them interested. At school they have set times. Of course they need to at school as every child will be interested in different things at different times. But if homeschooling appears to do so well, why is it still frowned upon by many teachers and governments?
Teachers frown upon it for several reasons. Home based schooling can be erratic, most parents will not be able to spend the needed time. Also who wants to lose their job? Also home based kids possibly might not get social skills needed.
Gov’t that’s easy. A drone society is a society that does not think therefore it is not dangerous.
I’d blame lazy, thick children who’d rather watch repeats of Family Guy than read a book before blaming school education. Fact is, the kids don’t give a damn about growing up stupid and ignorant as long as they can make enough money to keep buying the sugar and paying for the cable. And, if they grow up stupid and ignorant, there’s actually a higher chance (in most industries) of them being able to do this.
It isn’t the national education system’s responsibility to flatter geniuses.
By both teachers and pupils. I blame the pupils more. Same with uni students, they just don’t care. All education is in a capitalist society is a means to make money, so why care about it?
Children aren’t born with those values, but they do need to be pushed in the right direction and given stimulation as a counter balance to the dumbing down of popular culture which has more and more of an influence on them as schools do become less thought envoking.
Child geniuses are a special case. I’m talking about the average child being driven to learn and think more instead of just reaching a basic minimum level that anyone can achieve (so the stats look good) and leaving it at that.
We should care about state education because it has the potential to be brilliant and shape young minds in a great way.
I think public education in itself is not evil incarnate… I think it could work very well. I think that the focus is misplaced in the classrooms (rote memorization and lack of creavity/intellectual discourse). I also think both parents, students, teachers and politicians don’t take it seriously enough. They just don’t care. I also think it’s kind of a vicious cycle, kids are bored in school and don’t learn anything, causing them to be ignorant and stupid adults who don’t care/know enough to push for change, causing more kids to be bored and restless and uneducated, and so on.
I think this is a big part of the problem. The culture kids are immersed in (created by adults who are products of the same school system the kids are stuck in) just helps keep the kids less motivated. I think it’s part of the vicious cycle.
People start out stupid and ignorant - look at babies. Humans are born prematurely.
I’m just saying that we might do well to not blame culture when we’re naturally stupid and I don’t see that changing.
What’s the saying? Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach. So we can only assume that the people training the teachers are themselves incapable of teaching, hence they teach teaching to others.
I think that it’s a fart in a stiff wind. Revolutionise popular culture, then it doesn’t matter about the education system!
So does popular culture, yet it’s almost invariably portrayed as the demon in this pantomime. I learnt more about politics watching 6 30 minute episodes of well written satire than I did in 5 years of history lessons at school.
If I had kids I’d home-ed them myself rather than entrust them to the false values force-fed them by teachers 8 hours a day for 10 years…
Looking back at all the teachers I had, I shake my head in disbelief at how spiritually corrupt most were, they must have f *** d up hundreds of kids minds over the years…
Best teech I ever knew was Mr Haines the RI (Religious Instruction) teacher, a young bearded John the Baptist lookalike, we kids loved him because we knew he loved us, he was one of those people you come across now and again who make you think “hey not all christians are assholes!”
By contrast, at another school we had a chaplain who used to stride around in a long black cassock glaring at us with a face sour as sh*t, he must have put countless kids off Jesus for life…
As one poster mentiioned, home schoolers dont get the social skills needed, which I then equate to speaking drone. Being able to talk celebrity gossip at the water cooler.
What I remember most about the learning in the public school system was whenever a particular topic interested me, and I asked why, the teacher would get flustered by the break in the lecture process.
I learned to never ask why in school. Now I have to conceal that I still ask why. Everybody hates questions these days.
I am programmed to say negatory to the drone by default statement. Duder, love your posts, but my response was by default. I think I have very anti drone ways, by default.
I can break one routine for another, but only the breaking part means anything to me. And that comes in the middle of the moment.
I don’t think so. People crave to know and to learn by default. Trouble is school turns people into drones by the lack of interest that children have in such a system.
As for the social aspect, people can still play outside with friends on the street or go to clubs.