Does the world REALLY dislike Bush that much?

You can be a cunning, manipulative bastard without necessarily being clever. I think by asserting that George Bush is actually intelligent, yet just decides to hide it by acting like a redneck, you are beginning to clutch at straws a bit.

Bill Clinton was a good president, and did much good not just for his own country (strong economy etc.) but for the rest of the world (3rd world country aid, the Kyoto Protocol and so on). Sadly, within mere months after being elected, Bush had already undone much of this, apparently seeing America as a country that was free to interfere with the rest of the world economically, politically and in any other way that directly benefitted it, yet had no responsibility to any of these nations to aid or assist them. It may point to the foreign aid it is still giving to the poorer nations, but the question must be asked, how much is it taking back (plus interest) via the IMF?

Anyway, I could go on. Bush is an idiot and the world will be much the better when he gets ousted in 2004.

I agree with JP.

In America, intelligence is not always seen as an asset (there has always been a strong anti-intellectual streak in America history). It is sometimes felt that intelligent people, egg heads, are too distant from the ‘real world’ and therefore ‘common people’, too apt to discuss arcane topics with no eye to the practical day to day aspects of living. They, the intellectuals, don’t care about us, the people.

It’s not just the redneck image, it’s his waffling, his tendency not to back up what he says (How could he?) that bothers some of us. This is not the sign of a particularly polished image.

Or maybe he just watches too much Fox news.

i don’t like a lot of things about bush. i didn’t like the way he automatically assumed that the september 11 attack was caused by muslims. i didn’t like his rejection of the kyoto (sp) treaty. in fact, i don’t like most of the stuff he’s done. war on terrorism my arse. the original plan was to get bin laden, but after the taliban had been replaced, they thought it was probably most likely that he’d died. now, obviously, i don’t support the taliban, but i think that such a transparant attempt to get rid of governments the us doesn’t like is taking us right back into cold war territory.

Well in my opinion yes america is very much so those things. Violence is everywhere. It’s avoidable though. Obviously if you go out looking for it you’ll find it. I know a few people that haven’t been in any fights but then again they all live with an abusive parent. I’m not sure how it is in comparison to other countrys but I heard hand guns kill about 24000 people in the U.S every year. Which i guess is a lot in comparison to britains 22. I heard that from a music video (pennywise - homesick if you’re interested) though so I’m not really sure how accurate it is. I’d assume pretty accurate I get statistics like that a lot. Some more I just found…

76 percentage of the world’s serial killers who are American

22 frequency in seconds of violent crime in the U.S.

57 percentage increase of inmates on death row in past decade

2.7 percentage of U.S. citizens victimized by violent crimes

71 percentage of sex-crime victims age 17 or younger

A different site if you’re interested.

Most of the site are about women being abused or other countries so I guess I’ll leave it there.

In my opinion any radical view is underappriciated. Recently in the pledge of allegiance the words “under god” were taken out because of the seperation of government and state thing which caused a huge fuss. Not saying that all christians or religious people are conservatives but that’s the only example I can think of at the moment. Possibly because we aren’t all that conservative.

A lot of people think america is the greatest country in the world. That we don’t need anyone else. How we should just bomb the rest of the people. Among kids anyway. I don’t really get a chance to take polls for adults.

In my opinion I think we depend on other countries way to much to go into isolation. It wouldn’t make any sense really. It’s a good form of competition which capitalism is based on. We want your money. I think our greed (god bless it :confused: ) is more important to us than our ethnocentricity. It also causes huge amounts of violence and other problems though. I don’t know you be the judge. I’m trying to stay neutral by just giving statistics. But I don’t really have all that many sorry.

Bush is stupid. He took the responsibility of President for the money and the power, because he is not smart enough to get what he wanted any other way. He does what he’s told because that’s the deal.

All decisions are being taken by the quiet men who are perfectly happy to remain quiet. Bush is just a front man that will get all the balme if the shit hits the pan. He would have fucked up by now if he had been in charge.

If you were taking such aggresive action would you really want to be the person that everyone knows and the main target for an attack or would you rather be a figure in the back-round. Not remembered in the history books perhaps, but that’s not what these people want. They want the power and the money just as much as Bush does, hence the actions they are taking but they are smart enough to keep their heads down while they do it.

Did anyone dare to go to that link louise provided.??


DEREGULATION CENTER, “putting america’s stock holder’s first”


IMPORTANT NOTICE: To all high-ranking executives from Fortune 1000 corporations: Your opinion is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to the Bush Administration. You are entitled to bypass the contact procedures established for the common people, and are encouraged to make use of the Industry Deregulation Request Form below:

I had to look if this was really the legitimate site.
Is this for real ? I need a second opinion.(and how in the world did louise find this page?)

second opinion: sorry to dissapoint, but is not yet the ‘legitimate’ website of the bush administration.

"Are Your Mommy & Daddy Liberal America Haters? President Bush needs your help to find out! So be an Eagle Eyes snitch - and get rich! Because for every family member you help put in front of a military tribunal, the government will send you a whole dollar! "

ahhh… i didnt look on other pages…

too good to be true, eh?

I dislike it when foolish bussiness men are in power…it makes me nerves, very nerves, and even more nervious when I live in that country where foolish bussiness men are in power :cry: …and what makes me even MORE nervious is when people argee with, and do what those foolish bussiness men in power do… :astonished:

the answer is yes, but yes to “I don’t like bush’s actions”, but we all do raed dab someitems. :wink: