Donald Trump's Inauguration.

Mexico is on the verge of a civil war where I doubt they’ll be paying for anything anytime soon. Donald Trump has already ordered the army core of engineers through homeland security I seem to recall hearing about.

Mexico has been in a state of civil war, government vs drug cartels. Yes, Mexico will be made one way or another to pay for it, it can be as simple as tolls. Doesn’t matter if Mexico decides to mutually retaliate, doesn’t hurt the US budget, only hurts US-Mexican imports/exports, which Trump likely doesn’t give a fuck about to begin with. Mexico doesn’t have much of a bargaining hand in this, and it ironically will end up as a massive boom to them once the cartels start collapsing. Just expect the drug war to radically intensify prior, and a Mexican administration being replaced during that time span. Cartels leaders are pragmatic enough to know it is mostly comming to end, but they got a shitload of highly hostile and panicked gang members below on either side of the border. On the US side, they will just switch to less lucrative yet sustainable crime, but in Mexico… damn. It’s gonna get real nasty. Try starving dogs then throw a single steak between them, watch what happens.

Eventually that will end, banking and educated workforce will assert themselves, government police and troops will hack them, and they will put the insane numbers of engineers to work on novel products. Obviously the US won’t pick it’s own berries, we’re gonna have a much expanded legal worker program, taxed by the exican government. That’s $$$ to them, the current system, they get shit for their treasury.

That is all fine and dandy, but from a legal perspective, is Trump’s proposal to build this long wall, with the threat that Mexico on the other side of it must be made to pay, surely this is a violation of the law, international or otherwise.

This is government by dictatorship.

A sign of things to come?

Nope, doesn’t violate international law, if anything is imbedded in law since the middle ages, hence where toll roads come from.

And Trump was legally elected, and is only a executive, legislative and judicial check still in place.

K: clearly Hitler was not a tyrant or a dictator because he was legally elected and had
legislative and judicial checks in place…


I just want him to spend at least 45 seconds or so of his speech ranting about how US energy is gonna rule the world and I want to hear some Sarah Palin types screaming, “frack baby frack”.

There is a list of state representatives that will not attend the inauguration, do they have the permission of their constituents? Should they be able to do what they want without following directions of their constituents? I do not think so. I see this as a betrayal of their office. Just as they do with other actions. I don’t see things changing though, people do not seem to care.

If your definition of tyrant extends to people who haven’t yet spent a single minute in political office yet, then who cares who you apply the term to?

Glad you’re here Merlin. Nice documentation of events so far. But I am not going all the way with you to believe there will be an assassination, or war. I admit it is possible, of course, but that possibility seems remote.

PK is basically a terrorist nazi. Nothing he says should be taken seriously.

Points to recent national protests and rioting in Mexico.

Quite a bit of money in Mexico flows from the United States concerning cash movements of migrant workers. All Trump would have to do is tax those electronic monetary transfers and the wall is practically payed for. Think of companies like Western Union for instance.


I’m just saying it’s a possibility also. :wink: Hopefully nothing happens but…

What’s all this stuff about following constituents? Where did you come up with that?

I guess an erroneous assumption that these folks are our employees.

Not so erroneous, in normal times, if they don’t follow constituency, they may not be re-elected.

The inauguration is going to be beautiful, as Trump said. I have a nice bottle here, just waiting for me to toast him on Friday.

