I have noticed that you have all been very generous to ben, phase two of the “get ben an ipod” experiment is to see if you can be generous to others. Im a drummer, i love to make music. Basically i need new cymbals, theres no doubt about it. Im now in a band at college and i cant practise until i get some new cymbals. My crash keeps inverting when i play, my cheap sticks always break, my hi hat is ruptured and i dont even have a ride. As for the skins they are in tatters.
Im not going to lie to you, i want your money. But i am willing to trade it for something of non money value. For example, if i ever get famous i will send you a whole bunch of stuff… and ill insure your name is on the inside of the album. If i ever write a book i will also mention your names.
I am willing to give you anything for donations, anything that is free and possible. I am so low on cash right now and im not allowed to get a job because im so busy at college.
If you really dont care about making people happy or music then just ignore me… but please first look at these pictures.
that is what it is like before i hit it
and thats the crash after ive hit it… its clearly inverted… here are some more pics to show how it is inverted
look how dirty it is:
thats my broken pile of drumsticks… i now only have one pair…i cant use them cus the sharp ends break my skins
thats the £1 watch i wear because im so cheap i cant afford anything else
(Service post by Kolibri because honestly Angst deserves a new cymbals (naughty word) just as much as Ben deserves a new iThingie (IMO) (Eat parentheses)).
Thankyou Kolibri, although i am not quite sure what a service post is i assume you are supporting me… and not being sarcastic
i dont think wanting to get new cymbals is selfish, i have to have new cymbals if im going to be in a band in the school. My tutor says that i need to do some out of school activities to gain UCAS points so i can go to university. I wont be able to do this without cymbals. Plus i want to make music for other people which i dont think is selfish…
a qoute by thequestion on this very site, so people here obviously value music. Please help me make music and get into university.
So far the experiment is failing, perhaps people dont respect me or my cause. People have not even bothered to look at this thread.
What do i have to do around here to get cymbals?
Perhaps i need to make the thread more interesting… maybie if you knew me better as a person you would sympathise with my cause…Ok so i am 16, i go to college where i am taking Philosophy, English language, History and Film Studies. My only career aspiration is to be in a band or to write a book on either history or philosophy.
My old friends dont want to be my friends anymore so i am trying to make new friends at school, but im not very good at it. My parents say i should join a band in the college to make friends but i cant really do that until i have new cymbals.
I like mostly grunge music or alternative rock. My favourite bands are Nirvana, Mudhoney (ive seen them live ), Pearl Jam, Hole, The Pixies, RadioHead, Soundgarden, Sonic Youth and Tripping Daisy.
That is all for today… maybie tommorow i will tell you more. Also i would like to post some pictures of my self and other things in my life.
Theres no need to be sarcastic about this, are you trying to suggest that i need a reputation to get donations? Obvisouly what this experiment shows is that people are only willing to donate if the person they are donating to is respected. You dont have to be donating towards anything good, just as long as the person is respected. If ben wanted enough money to buy a gun so he could kill some people i suspect people would pay for it because they respect him.
Ahwell perhaps i should just give up on being my dreams of being a drummer. Never mind…
In light of my recent behaviour here I was attempting a little humility, I didn’t mean to disparage you in any way at all.
As for ben - he is the main dude on this site. I dunno 'bout reputation but he is the kingpin, the big cheese, the man. Of course when he jumps we all say ‘how high?’
Thankyou someoneisatthedoor… do you have any suggestions as how i am going to raise this money? Will i have to start my own website and get high respect? That will take to long.
i cant get a job it will interupt my studies. I thought by a miracle people would sympathise with me… the world is more harsh than i imagined and i imagined it to be really harsh in the first place. Well i shall keep asking until maybie a miracle does happen.
True. My advice is to sell something you own but don’t use - ebay being the obvious market. You must have old books or CDs or computer games or something you can sell.
Do you know how many things people could beg for on this forum? The thousands of things members could have good reasons for needing? You can’t be serious about this thread. Because at the end of the day, among the thousands of people we could help, one question remains.
Thats a very sensible question. Donate to me because my social life and my future depends on it. Donate to me because you regard usic highly and you will appreciate the fact that people need to make music. Perhaps one day i wil be in a famous band if only i had cymbals. I am a good drummer, i have never had a lesson in my life and yet i am very good. I have been told this by many. I used to be in a band but they got a new drummer because i couldnt play properly without the right cymbals, i dont wnat this to happen again.
Donate to me because for once in your life you feel symothy for a fellow human being. You all donated to ben because he made this place for you. But i will make music for you if you donate, i am willing to email people recordings of my drumming in the future. And if my college band works out i will even send you a song perhaps over the internet. I will try to do anything you request if it is worth your donations.
Thats why you should donate to me…
But now that you have… I got some way you can make some money if you REALLY want to.
It’s simple… all you need to go is somehow get your hands on some pot seeds… there’s a plethra of sites on the net that will tell you how to grow them to fruition. You’re a musician… you must hang around musicians – obvious solution… deal to them
It’ll take 6 months… but you’ll be making 100% profit. If you live in a strict country though… then you might wanna rethink. You might wanna rethink anyways… like I said, don’t read this post.
I have considered that idea before but it is not going to work… first of all i dont have many friends or even know many people… secondly im to shy to be a dealer… thirdly if my parents ever found out theyd eitherget really mad or theyd ask me for some, either way i dont like the turn out.