Dont expect to hear from Ben OBW SIATD and other Brits today … URBATE.XML

:laughing: =D> :laughing: =D>

Too bad there’s no emoticon for one hand clapping. :stuck_out_tongue:

I stand corrected! :laughing:

lol what a strange choice of event. :laughing:

Nice, that’s teh awesome.

[size=150]This is Fu@king depraved !![/size] #-o

Here’s a quote from their main site:


[size=150]Hear that !!.. Privacy is an option !![/size]

And if that isn’t proof enough that it’s a [size=150]Total Gay Fest[/size], check this link :

I didn’t realize transgender folk could masterbate! Geez, modern medicine is amazing.

thanks for the heads up sirEbrum,get this,i thought this freakin thread was actually relavent to the title and important!
you’ve saved me some vomit,thanks.

That’s twice now in the matter of some 36 hours you’ve made a homophobic remark, Drift. What’s your problem?

OMG!!! =D> :evilfun:

I was thinking that something horrible had happened km.

This bit of news is both strange and hilarious. :laughing:


[size=117]* Taking a dump in public has been a taboo for far too long now !! *[/size]

It’s time for that to change…


Ah yes, Wank Week.

Great stuff… :smiley:

How come that is soo at odds with the perceptions of the conservative British? :laughing:

Oh wait ,they do have the rule no faking it, that at least is conservative. :laughing:

Makes you wonder though why would anyone fake that? Wouldn’t you be lying to yourself? or is one part of you just not ready? :laughing:

No way could I ever see this type of event happening here in Redneckville
they are too proud of keeping it in the family, hmmmm, best not go there…

how did i miss this… I’m a Brit

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

Oh I can just see you going to your Mom , Hey mom I am going to raise money for charity today. then of course Mom would say How?

Yea Sarax, I don’t think it would be pretty after that, LOL, speaking as a mom. LMAO =D>

my mum who was going out to ball with my dad, and ran back in quickly after my dad was in the car, pretending she ha forgot something, to tell me that they were staying over night so me and my boyfriend could safely have sex wherever we wanted and sleep in the same bed, as long as we didnt have sex in her bed, and then ran out again? that mom?

she’s very very cool, which makes up for my dad being completely anal, she’d probably sponser me!

