I sat there, on the wooden bench which was somehow existing in my mind, along with the basketball game. I was still in my room, but nonetheless, a parrt of this weird hybrid of reality.
“She didn’t even acknowledge it as weird, she’d be gone all night with these guys… and she didn’t think it was abnormal!”
I sat there, on the the bench listening to my teammmate tell of his worries as I watched the ambiguous basketball game continue around me, “You are a fucking pussy” I thought to myself, as my world began to dissapate around me.
.. a couple seconds pass.
The voice struck me like a baseball bat to the skull. I was now awake, but that was not saying much.. somewhere I was aware of a possible jury duty piece of snail mail, but the echo did not reciprocate back to my ears. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep. The sun was shining on my eyes, but I refused to look at those skies.
"Get up" I said to myself, but I had a hard time hearing. The music intruded on this thought process.
"Yep, Mighty Thristy Alright" The DJ said. Who was this person anyways. I am lying on a bed, this much is true, yet I cannot tell who with, or if I want to.
"I've learned more trying to get up" I said to myself.. exhaling and finally opening my eyes to look at the mundane ceiling which comprised my only visual experience for you. "Than the class I'm so determined to get to"