Dostoyevsky - Notes from Underground

I recently stumbled upon this work in Existentialism: From Dostoyevsky to Sartre - Kaufmann. And I read the Plot Overview and Themes section from .

It is seeming absolute brilliance to me at this time. I have stumbled upon a character similar to myself.

What do you think of Notes from Underground?

A great story.
His best.

Have you no sense of decency, at all sir? Have you left no sense of decency at all?


fwiw, I believe Martin Scorcese’s dark comedy masterpiece “After Hours” is somewhat based on this work.

Everyone has there favourites, I haven’t read Notes From the Underground but mean to. I’ve read The Devils and Crime and Punishment, I loved CAP, but the Devils had too many characters although it was still worthwhile.

I think my personal favourite atm, is The Myth of Sysiphus: Albert Camus, a very stimulating and uplifting slant on the existentialist issues. But then philosophically I am hardly well read, it’s on my to do list though :slight_smile:

I loved his other works, but I just cracked open Underground a few days ago.

Good stuff.

Though I have to allow my brother’s commentary to stand, “If you think nothing happens in his others works, try reading Notes from the Underground!” To a certain extent, I agree. While his books are packed with lots of great stuff, the overall pace is rather meditative.

I like it.

The Kaufman book is great - but you do need to read part 2 of the notes - just to see how far his alienation goes!

I think Dost intended it as an argument for the existence or more properly need for the existance of a god - the fact he actually leaves the big fella out makes it all the more convincing…

Though he still hasn’t convinced me - its great tho’ - big fave of comrade nietzsche’s also


read nftu a few years back. the opening part killed me, brilliant, depressing as could be imaginable. thoughts have floated by with similar personification, not quite party talk, tried that, ppl just get boring then. second half of the book was average. like he was trying something out but reverted back to his usual just incase ppl thought it needed a tit-scene in it. he never repeated that damn first half of his book style in any of his other books too! Catcher in Rye is about the only other book that comes close to it in that certain couldnt give a flying fuck about anything anymore style of writing. well, unless you look hard enough and dont go for the usual suspects.