Check out one of our lovely new sponsors. Pretty amusing. Pity they don’t have one bound in human skin…
They keep those behind the counter - for their ‘special Customers’
As a matter of fact, I do.
I have one in black goatskin.
They do remarkable work
You see? I wasn’t joking in that other thread about the goats!
To paraphrase one of KISS’s older songs:
“Love them…skin them…love them…skin them…”
Doc.S - either you’re saying:
a) black goats are human.
b) you’ve got two versions and you forgot a [too]
or - preferred choice, as I think there’s a decent human being beneath the robes, you were tired and you didn’t see the ‘human’ before ‘skin’ in phaedrus’s post…
As an aside, what’s the satanic take on music these days…?
If I say “floorshow” and “dominion” or “she sells sanctuary” or “god’s own medicine”
do your feet start tapping - or am I just a sad old ex-goth…?
Actually it was in response to the question posed in the thread title, although a book bound in human skin would be cooler than george w falling off a 300 foot cliff.
The Satanic take on most anything is totally subjective. I personally enjoy a wide variety, anything from hard trance to bach, from jonny cash to dimmu borgir. Big on 70s and to a lesser extent 80s music. Any country music made after 1980 should be utterly destroyed and the artists put to death.
Any particular kind…? And come on, you know he’d probably just land on Tony Blaire and suffer only minor contusions…
With you on Trance, and on the country music front too. (Though personally I’d just stockpile it for use in sonic weapons research )
One of the other links is to a web site that has some Satanic music. I found it amusing that one bands debut CD was hailed as “their best work to date.” Hmmm…must not have had much competition.