Dr S, do you have one of these?

Check out one of our lovely new sponsors. Pretty amusing. Pity they don’t have one bound in human skin…

They keep those behind the counter - for their ‘special Customers’ :evilfun:

As a matter of fact, I do.
I have one in black goatskin.
They do remarkable work

You see? I wasn’t joking in that other thread about the goats!

To paraphrase one of KISS’s older songs:

“Love them…skin them…love them…skin them…”

Doc.S - either you’re saying:

a) black goats are human. :confused:
b) you’ve got two versions and you forgot a [too] :astonished:

or - preferred choice, as I think there’s a decent human being beneath the robes, you were tired and you didn’t see the ‘human’ before ‘skin’ in phaedrus’s post… :wink:

As an aside, what’s the satanic take on music these days…?

If I say “floorshow” and “dominion” or “she sells sanctuary” or “god’s own medicine”

do your feet start tapping - or am I just a sad old ex-goth…? :sunglasses:

Actually it was in response to the question posed in the thread title, although a book bound in human skin would be cooler than george w falling off a 300 foot cliff.

The Satanic take on most anything is totally subjective. I personally enjoy a wide variety, anything from hard trance to bach, from jonny cash to dimmu borgir. Big on 70s and to a lesser extent 80s music. Any country music made after 1980 should be utterly destroyed and the artists put to death.

Any particular kind…? :astonished: And come on, you know he’d probably just land on Tony Blaire and suffer only minor contusions… :frowning:

With you on Trance, and on the country music front too. (Though personally I’d just stockpile it for use in sonic weapons research :smiley: )

One of the other links is to a web site that has some Satanic music. I found it amusing that one bands debut CD was hailed as “their best work to date.” Hmmm…must not have had much competition. :laughing: