Dreams and Blind people.

Hey i have been thinking about this for a while now,

How do blind(born blind) people dream if they have never seen anything? I used to think they dream according to theire immagination but i don’t think so anymore…

I don’t think that is any strange at all. Blind people also make up pictures just like we do. They can see a form with their hands for example. Their dreams may not look the same as ours though. A dream deals with all of our experiences, and our eyes is not the only source that we use to gather experiences. It would be interesting to talk about this with a person that have been blind from birth though.

Another theory: When I have had out of body experiences I have been able too see, but it’s obviously not with my physical eyes. So it may be possible that a blind person can gather visual experiences this way as well.


My favourite anecedote about the differences that blind/normal sighted people have is that apparantly someone once described the colour orange to a blind (from birth) person and they said it sounded rather like the taste of pineapple.

And out of body experiences are probably just dreams (I just can’t keep the scientist in me down!).

well through whichever method you use the answer does lie in the explication to yourselves of your own faculties…drugs that temporaly remove or inhibit rational faculty leads to a much greater understanding of that faculty…why don’t you try doing the same…and can’t is no excuse…because you can…everyone can…i once said i can’t touch my toes…but i could if i was prepared to let myself…to let myself go…to some extent…

‘here’s looking at you kid’

Hey didnt I ask this question already??