Drift has returned

and i need to change my e-mail adress out of that fossilzed hotmail shit.
otherwise ill never get my notifications.

it says my gmail adress is “not valid.” well, the hell it’s not.

it let me change mine to gmail from hotmail. so we know it isn’t impossible.

Well hello Drift, it’s only been 16 years.

Thought it was a misspell thinking of something I’ve been warning my bored grandson about, returning right before his 18 th birthday, so told him to get on the program that any college can enroll him in to defer a very possible waste of his life for no accountable reasons.

The transparent of the draft.

I always find it interesting when members post after many years/decades of being away… what it is that calls them back, after all these years.
Draft? …let’s hope not! :pray:t3:

But then the Draft is a pullback into an era when being registered or not , did make a difference between life and death.

Trump’s flat feet saved the guy from that fate, perhaps it was divine intercession?

and a well deserved absense too. wonder if it is a ‘brave new ilp’… :thinking:

a really bad day and an old friend that never left. why did he not leave? he said phaedrus even left and he was like my 1 other friend on here…

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Now, if Faust and Only_Humean would return and take the philosophy board back to what it, uh, once was?


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dont know Only_Humean at all. must have been beyond my time. these days ILP has tons of new features and is totally modernized. i was mostly here under Ben’s tenure.

I hope a time arrives, when no human will ever have to fight in any wars ever again.

…and is it?


Did you find out why he never left?


ILP is better than the days of ‘the wanderer’.

why Dan stays on here is 1 of the great mysterys of our time. i guess i could ask him sometime.

Maybe he can’t?

Why mention him?


Why shouldn’t Dan stay on here?

He often has valid insights and empirical/epistemological epiphanies on many matters, so having something to offer within the scientific community.

so because u asked i did ask dan why he stayed. he said “for the hell of it” and i quote.

PS: why mention the wanderer indeed?

…and why shouldn’t he?


Were you he? as well as other profiles…