we all huddled in the living room close together like sardine kinfolk
and tried to keep warm
a bluegreen light that was probably a meteor hung in the air
and we knew it was going to be cold when the sun died
so we huddled together
because when the sun goes out and doesn’t shine
what else can you do but stay warm
huddled together
in the living room
Get nasty
Pass the drink Roger, ya waste of fucking space!’ said Bill
Roger exchanged a cold glance: ‘Fuck off!’
‘Stop bringing your meaningless little string-of-shit existence into my house again, you drink MY booze and fuck off without ever bringing your own. Fuck OFF!’
‘Suck my cock!’
Fred sat there half listening. He’d heard this repertoire a 1000 times, it no longer amused him or annoyed him, it was just mandible abusiveness. Sexual repression he thought. It’d end up in a big punch-up. Especially now they were drunk as hell, he’d have to brake it up. All over the last of the Gin. Fuck 'em.
‘NAaaahhhhmmmm…blllaaaaa!’ scretched Fred out of boredom.
Bill was looking at Roger still. Who’s head was tilted right back on a big dirty ridden bean bag.
‘PASS THE FUCKING DRINK! … 5 inch’s from your right hand. Look!’
Roger lifted up his head as if made of lead, saw the drink and threw it at Bill.
Luckily Tanya came in, in a mess, and smoked 'em all out to get back at Bill’s little brother. =)