Ok this is my dilema. i basically just scored some cash and i want to pick up a new hobby. i decided that it would be an instrument. now like most i have picked up one here or there but never got “really into it” and i basicaly now to the point were i really want to learn to play. and i want to have fun learning. but…if it was just that easy i wish. im trying to be modest here so give me a break.i tried guitar but it was my bros and i didnt feel comfortable playing or practicing it was not fun lets just say. but im naturally gifted with it comes to my fingers or “hand and eye coordination” so i believe i would just own the guitar. and dont get me wrong when i learned to play this is that is was fun.but the drums are just so danm fun to bang on. even if it sounds like shit.
So basically, i need opinions. whats easier to just pick up and learn. drums or guitar? and both get my blood pumped. and when i mean by that is when i hear “musical gas” by eric clapton all i want to do is sound like that. but when i hear “AS i lay dying” drums, i cant help but want to is go down and get a set of drums and start practicing. so can anyone help me?
Well if you want to have any commercial potential you should probably play guitar. If you start a band, it won’t matter what you play…but what what you look like. First, you’ll get the seven-chord starter manual and learn all the rock licks. This short book alone is all you need to master the world of rock. Next, buy some cool clothes and start playing at bars. Do covers, always. People come to hear their favorite songs…they aren’t there to hear your shit.
The better you look and the more bizarre you act on stage, the better the crowds. Granted, you will have to play something so it won’t look so obvious that you’re just standing there anyway trying to look good. That something is most easily a guitar. A few major chords and the rest is up to the amps you use. I’ve played Les Pauls on amps so crusty I could make James Hetfield want to smack his momma…and I’m not that good, really. So you see, the technology will take care of your lack of talent. You just worry about looking good. That’s my advice.
And another thing, the guitarist always has the better chances of getting the mystery blow-job after the show from one of the groupies in the front row. The drummer isn’t the highlight of the band. People rarely even know who the drummer is, in fact. The singer has good chances but less than thr guitarist, since the singer can’t pose and hump a guitar when he is playing his lead. He just twirls around the mic stand or something. The girls love that shit, but the guitar humping more so. Same for the bassist, but different. The bassist often plays repeated figures and rarely has any solo time. This means that he isn’t going to be recognized by those who aren’t listening to the music. Which, unfortunately, composes prolly at least seventy-five percent of the audience anyway, and the odds against getting the blow-job are increased. The guitarist, when playing his leads and solos, owns the band and over-powers all the other instruments. He is the axe man and the public loves him the most.
you make a very good rebuttle. but , im more into just a hobby. im not looking to go professional. i mean dont get me wrong if im that good than i might persue. but right now im seeking joy.
Well then…drums are better. Drums are louder, for one thing, and they involve more commitment- all limbs are working. When you play a drum-set, you do not sit down with an instrument upon your knee, like you would a strings. You literally “plug into” it as if you were an amoeba attaching itself to a body. You are surrounded by drums. There are far more opportunities on a drum set than a guitar.
But drums are a little more difficult to get really good at. Playing drums often requires and forces your brain to rewire itself…as in the case of being able to be completely independent of your dominant hand, and play in more than one meter per limb, etc. You feel yourself struggling when learning to play drums. Not so much with guitar. Maybe a little wrist/tendon burn from trying to get awkard chords with complicated positioning or playing fast…but nothing like the effort required to play one rhythm with your left hand and another with your right, while your foot is playing the bass drum in another.
I’ll tell you this. You will feel cooler playing drums. There is more power there. Here is the drum kit you should buy- the one that looks like a hive on the left:
youtube.com/watch?v=EYBhDPt0 … ed&search=
But watch this one too:
Here is better proof for the power of drums. After you watch this, never let your musician friends see it, if they are drummers. This video can be devastating to garage-band drummers:
(watch Vinnie show em. he’s the last one in the grey suit. played for Zappa for several years. he does something slightly more complicated than weckl at each turn.)
that does help thanx. but i cant look at the videos lol im at work and they have a stupid computer with to programs to play videos and i have enough time getting around the blocker as it is. so ill check em out at home. but thanks for your time. iv been looking for a drum set to buy.
lol got me all anxious to see those videos. argh o well. ill definitly been hitting those links up when i can.
Guitar is better than drums.
If you learn one instrument… it will be significantly easier to learn the other. I played the guitar for a few years and after i became coordinated in that it was much easier too become coordinated on a drumset. If you have the funds, you should go for both. Not at the same time of course.
To me, guitar is more rewarding, because I love the possibilities that lie in pitches and melodies and chords. Drums are intensely fun though.
Good luck man.
guitar or drums? please…
Mama’s got a squeeze box
She wears on her chest
And when Daddy comes home
He never gets no rest
'Cause she’s playing all night
And the music’s all right
Mama’s got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
Well the kids don’t eat
And the dog can’t sleep
There’s no escape from the music
In the whole damn street
'Cause she’s playing all night
And the music’s all right
Mama’s got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
She goes in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out
She’s playing all night
And the music’s all tight
Mama’s got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
She goes, squeeze me, come on and squeeze me
Come on and tease me like you do
I’m so in love with you
Mama’s got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
She goes in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out
'Cause she’s playing all night
And the music’s all right
Mama’s got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night -Who
I’d get a guitar and a drum machine. That way you can make a whole song by yourself without some psuedo-musician ponding away on a drum set and bringing his useless ego into your art. If yuo find a machine that can replace a guitar, get one of those too.
I like delicious biscuits.
With jam or jelly?
Dipped…in jam, or jelly…hmm…
in milk
What kinda biscuits are we talking about here?
sweet kind
I’m so hungry right now.