[DVD] Britney & Kevin: Chaotic

“Britney & Kevin: Chaotic” blasts onto the small screen bringing new meaning to the term “idiot box.” After occupying various news and entertainment programs and websites for what seems like a never-ending abyss of perpetual water torture, the white-trash couple of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline can now occupy your own home, violating your “happy place” for as long as you can go without pressing the stop button on your remote.

Watch the couple go through hijinks and capers filled with pointless drivel and mindless blather. A soap box has more integrity and intelligence than this couple combined. The only horror greater than this show is the fact that this couple already has one child and a second spawn on the way. The world shudders.

The reality T.V. show (delivering a reality no one lives or can comprehend), however, is not completely without merit. The cover graphic of the DVD features a couple who actually appears to be respectable. I’m not sure where they found them, but I feel sorry for the couple depicted as the contents of the DVD completely degrade the warm, prom-night feeling that the two exude.

Overall, I’d suggest doing yourself a favor and leave the white trash at the trailer park.

I give “Britney & Kevin: Chaotic” 87 thumbs down.

This is not a review. I will have this thread moved to the mundane babble that it is…or deleted completely.

How so?

You don’t even know the lyrics to the theme song.

I would like to take the time to point out that whether or not I can recite the theme song has no bearing on what makes or does not make a review.

Also, just because you disagree with my review doesn’t mean that it ceases to be one.

I win.

I agree. This review gives a synopsis of the television show’s premise and then states an opinion on the show. This just happens to be a negative review. If you have contrary opinions feel free to state why you disagree with Farce-chan.