Dynamically Determined Dasein

Every age has its mythologies, and it always convinces the simplest and weakest.
This age’s mythologies are associated with Americanism.
Race and sex, including homosexuality and all forms of paraphilia.

The simpletons repeat it, as if it were fact, and if you speak against it then you are accused of bein “obsessed”, or of being stupid…nobody contradicts the superstition of an age.

this is loser talk. retreating again.

Stupidity is frightening.

that’s what im saying. i expect better out of you.

Are you so hurting?

you’re projecting again.

Man you picked up some feminine shit along the way.
If it works for ya…carry on.

eVeRYtHiNg i cAnT rESpOnD tO is fEMiniNE!

