Economic Growth will be low for Many Years...

Haha, like it. :wink:

Well the banks perspective on property is that they get to finance the same product over and over again, so I can see why they see it all as free money. Then naturally the more wealthy people are often landlords, they get to rent the same product forever ~ and the rents go up according to house prices irrespective of weather or not they were paid for decades ago.

For me we don’t all get given free money because there are limits, and there are also a minority who wants to distribute it mostly their own way.
Or at least they don’t want everyone to have lives like them; who would service them? Make their cars, build their palaces, dig the coal, farm the land, if there wasn’t a perceived need!

oh and we are all doing that a lot cheaper now eh.

Yea vast inflation would equalise things, but they have mechanisms for that too. They are the chaps who decide what money is worth and what the inflation rates are.

From: … -high.html


You can also say that the High Property Prices and Values represent the Excess Capacity, the Free Wealth the Technological Economy generates automatically, the discharging of the free wealth through financial systems, and what better system than hiking up the costs of the basics, Homes, Education and Health Care ? That extra price is the extra Free Wealth crystallized as inflation, as value not corresponding to work, as there is no possible corresponding, real hard work, no real physical and necessary work that could ever correspond to those high prices, so the prices reflect the free wealth the system generates automatically and freezes it into property prices, etc.

Since if you say the property prices don’t have to correspond to potential labor, therefore they are free to grow independently, than you are then actually saying the truth, the economic system no longer depends or has anything at all to do with real work anymore (all the real work is being performed by technology, systems, electricity, system wide networks, flow of goods with trucks, transportation, airports, energy, etc.), now the work is all imaginary, exchange of power games, status games between people, information workers exchanging bits that are all random, variable and all have any arbitrary value any arbitrary other mind decides what the value is: and the very fact that the economy has freed up so many people to simply execute this huge comic book and fairy tale kind of work is exactly because real work, real hard labor, real physical work is no longer needed at all, is obsolete, the amount of this kind of labor needed keeps on decreasing, manufacturing is very easy, a dime a dozen, can be done by machines and third world turds working for 100 dollars a month, etc. now it is all fluff and games, all facebook crap, all IPAD APPS and games, all status and random evaluations of all, now it is all subjective, no longer tied into real necessities, it is all a subjective evaluation game, all mind games, and this gives the powerful, those that can decide an infinite amount of power on all the rest since the rest are no longer needed, now you can invent all the fake jobs you want, now the power of individual will power on the economy, the subjectivities has reached infinite heights, exactly when a Technologial Economy should have freed us all from labor, it put us into an even bigger prison by locking up all up into the free will of some turd deciding what to do with millions of useless people, etc. A psychological prison depending on the other will power, on its judgments, on its subjective evaluation of you and whether you shall be fired or not, etc.

So don’t believe all the economists when they talk about all of these imaginary “Structural” reasons the economy must be this or that, or this reform must be made, or you need less taxes (or more taxes ?) or this or that, or Competition or Innovation, etc. It is all a fairy tale, a make believe comic book world, the economy has nothing at all to do with work, people or labor at all, it is an automatic system that generates free wealth for all and exactly because there are no longer any structural invariants that can influence it, all the politicians and economists and such can invent any cause and effect they want and try to pass any hidden agenda they want, since there are no causes and effects anymore, you just need to brainwash everyone that your cause and effect and agenda is the right one, etc.

From: … -high.html

“The Danish workforce consists of 3 million people, of which 1 million are public employees.”

Frist what country or system is your model then ? All models suck anyways in the end.

So then it is taken for granted that the one million public workers are useless, freeloaders, getting a free salary, so then it is taken for granted that the system can create millions of fake jobs automatically and still be a very rich country, so it is taken for granted that real work is no longer needed, the myth of the private economy generating real jobs is a fairy tale, the real jobs are idiotic devices like Apple devices that only serve the purpose of fun and games and produce comic book work, etc.

Anyways, if Denmark is not good, then what country is ? Every country has its highs and lows, every place has some good and bad, etc. It all depends where you stand in the economy and if you have advantages in that country and system compared to any other: if you are a Silicon Valley boss in San Francisco, then you are a winner, but if you are some mexican immigrant there than you are the loser, so each will paint a different picture of the same place, as all places are mostly the same crap anyways.


But who said the world shouldn’t be like this ? This is the natural state of affairs of all anyways…


From: … -high.html


Same Old Problems Forever…

“But the point is that the US government wastes so much of their tax revenues on nonsense things like starting wars in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and giving away trillions of OUR money to corrupt banks. I could go on and on. With just a portion of that money services could be increased dramatically AND we could have tax cuts.”

The Law of Conservation of Conflict, or the Law of Conservation of Poverty, or the Law of Conservation of Status or Inequality, or the Law of Conservation of Misery, etc. Even if you gave trillions to everyone, and the economic system could readily do this, people would just reorganize themselves along the same old divisions and boundaries of have and have nots, of boss and slave etc. They would always find a way to outsmart any system that tries to give at least the basics to all, they would create inequalities of power or cut off some basics to some portion of the population, just because, because Man and his Man Brain defines himself according to how he measures up with his similar and in order to measure up always higher and win the confrontation he always must create some unmet need for someone else to then exploit it and create the same old political - power and economic fights that have always been going on and will always be going on as long as we remain with this old clunker of a Man Brain: this old clunker on the top of our body must be changed, reprogrammed, all of these ancient Stone Age circuits creating all of these conflicts and power struggles and fights and winners and losers and bosses etc. must be reconfigured, must be erased, a new Man Brain must be designed, a new Man, with a new Contraption on the top of his body doing completely new things and no longer measuring himself against other Man Brains in order to win the game and confrontation, etc.


No Common World

I see the world as A and want A1, you see the world as B and want B1, so what is the world then “Objectively Speaking” ? What is the correct politics or the correct thing to desire or the correct way the “World Should Be” or how it should “Be Seen” ? None, there isn’t any, it is all a simple tug of war, a fight amongst contrasting, but equally arbitrary and Subjective views and Politics of an imaginary Common World which doesn’t exist at all, since the world is only a stage where contrasting will powers execute their fight and conflict according to contrasting “Imaginary Mental Models” of how the world should be according to any number of ideologies, designs, desires, subjective gains, simple egostical and selfish gains, or as opposed general “common good” gains, or gains according to what is right for everyone, when everyone is different and contrasting, nay, both contrasting and collabortaing in a complex, tangled web of incoherencies, etc. It is all Subjective and only Subjectivity exists.

Hence, there is no Common World, only Points of Views, only Points of Conflict, only Points of Interactions, of one shot interactions and events that are trying to extend more than a simple one shot point like event and world that has no extension, no generality, no common substrate, no reference system (not even any extension or Space and Time essentially).

Hence,if there is No Common World, but only a never ending set of different views and models and politics and social models and a desires and goals, etc. then any world can be, any world at all is just as good, anything at all, since nothing is based on a true Objective and universally valid truth and point of view.

Hence, many different worlds all constructed and designed through many different new Mental Circuits inventing and creating new worlds is just as good, any new Man Brain designed in any number of trillions of different ways is just as good, etc.

And then all the Economic and Political and Social debates are all based on Statistics, numbers, how many people are making how much money in a certain social system, or how long is the life expectancy to judge health care systems or how much unemployment is in a country to judge the country’s economic system and policies and so forth and so on. But these numbers are so abstract, they are just counting a certain property of a population and assigning it a number and judging the corresponding system and property accordingly, according to how the numbers should subjectively be (either high or low, but assigned arbitrarly as better according to some arbitrary mental model: case in point, a rich society with many unemployed may be better so high unemployment may be better and mean a more efficient economic system, since it can generate the same amount of wealth with fewer people working, etc. or a huge amount of consumption may be better as that signals ever more wealth as opposed to the green environmentalists who use these statistics as opposed to economists, etc.).