The basic reality that every individual and all nations have to face is that the global problems we are facing now can only get exponentially worse unless significant changes, even larger than those already proposed, are initiated in the near future.

This proposal will suggest that the whole planet and all who live on it is both seen and managed as a single estate.

Global warming due to human generated air pollution is now a proven fact. The oceans are polluted as well and traditional fishing grounds around the world are depleted. The giant equatorial forests that generate much of the worlds oxygen are been mowed down at an accelerated rate. The changing weather conditions are affecting global food production. Mass starvation, plagues of disease, genocide and regional wars have engulfed the lives of over a billion people. The proliferation of WMDs and the rise of international terrorism is alarming to all of us. On top of all this, the global population is growing at an exponential rate, putting even greater strain on existing systems.

As the environment and diplomatic relationships continue to deteriorate, while the existential gap between the privileged and under privileged continues to grow wider, world attention is showing signs of a gradual shift away from concerns about the inequality in international trade and is focusing on seeking more holistic solutions towards global management as a whole.

For planet management to happen on a concerted scale, it will need inspired leadership. For a true world leader to emerge, narrow national goals have to be transcended and the home planet together with all its dispirit cultures has to be seen and managed as a single family estate. Such a visionary leader also has to have the diplomatic skills to convince the world of its altruistic integrity. It must also have the economic capability and the technological ingenuity to bring many elements together, in order to design large scale planet management projects that can excite and employ the combined effort of our kind.

The first order of business would be to bring everyone to the table and agree to repair the environmental damage that has been incurred as the result of an Age that has been invested in developing and establishing a world industry of technological advances - and in conjunction, rebuild the world’s infrastructure and revitalize its education, food, housing and energy resources in a manner that will accommodate the exponential population needs of every nation as we all undergo such a mass change of direction.

Faced with the magnitude of a mass paradigm shift, which many would say; we do or die, the salient question is, which nation is able and willing to step up to the plate and take on the challenge of word leadership?

Since the dismantling of the British Empire, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the United States of America has emerged as the last surviving global super power, and stands as the logical choice for accepting the role as the world leader.

This opportunity is not simply because of America’s economic and military clout. There are more profound requirements for global leadership qualifications. America has most of them.

America’s Assets

America has evolved beyond Old World class structures and treats all its citizens equally.
America has the largest and widest concentration of ethnic immigrants from across the planet and therefore has a direct familial connection to every one of our cultures.
America speaks and teaches English, the global lingua franca.
America has the economic power to initiate global management policies
America has three centuries of pioneer and frontier expertise.
America has the largest concentration of technological brains able to design the large scale engineering projects needed to effectively manage a planet.

America’s Liabilities

Firstly: After three centuries of pioneering a wilderness after cutting itself off from its own cultural roots for generations via a bloody revolution and then faced with integrating hundreds of cultures into a homogeneous whole, while trying to iron out and amend the rules for a democraric form of government that would establish a permanent civilization in the New World, America has had no time to truly reflect on itself, in relationship to the rest of the world and the image the nation projects. As a consequence of its under-developed state of self awareness America remains patently naive in world diplomacy.
Secondly; Despite its vast economic clout, America continues to think of world development in terms of comparatively small scale corporate goals.

The objective in this thread is:
To try and give Americans an outsiders perspective on their self image, so that they can see themselves as the world sees them and thereby make a better presentation of who they really are…
Provide elementary lessons in race relations, and also in caste and class distinctions so that the average American can get know the cultures of the world more intimately, and thereby improve on diplomatic relationships
Present some preliminary ideas on large scale planet management engineering.

As I have a contract for a book to be published on this subject, it is my hope that participants in this thread, both proponents and nay sayers alike, will do so in a broad-minded manner that will help general readers gain some idea of the philosophical and psychological challenges that an issue as large as this one imposes on mankind’s ability to adapt to the major changes an Age shift requires.

(1.) is erroneous, because equality is not actually a state of reality, it is a philosophical/logic error purported to have plausibility. Regardless of that aside, America does not have equality in any sense, this government/society simply develop more complex structures to give the appearance of such.

(2.) is erroneous because although the statement is correct, the intent is fallacious. American’s are culturally, ethnically, socially segregated to such an enormous degree, that travelling from one state to another can cause social problems to an extreme.

(3.) American English is a bastard child, and a poorly structured and highly ambiguous language. It has been proven to be diminishing to intellect. Chinese is a far superior language, with proven stats for improving intellectual capability, and greater modality, and more effective for younger speakers/learners of the language.

(4.) is true in statement, but only so far as American borders. We do not have the understanding to manage this country’s problems, we prefer to allow avarice to run rampant, and sacrifice any ideal to the greater good of consumerism. This methodology in a global environment will only lead to a greater catastrophe.

(5.) is erroneous because the pioneer/frontier experience lasted only for about one hundred fifty years, and in typical American style, was an absolute mismanaged fiasco, costing millions of lives.

(6.) is erroneous because China and India have far more technologically superior individuals, they just haven’t had the economic fortune to back those individuals. It is also erroneous because American’s have no well developed methodology for management, and are constantly wasteful and inefficient due to such ineptitude. Basically, managing a lemonade stand is too difficult a task for any American manager or management team.

7. American arrogance will be the final undoing of a nation awaiting servitude under a foreign flag. This will be our legacy.

Maybe it will be your legacy…
It shall not be mine.



Chuckle, hey, give us some credit, we are better than what we were, no more slavery, no more legal discrimination, and women can vote. Change is slow, but we are evolving.

[quote[(2.) is erroneous because although the statement is correct, the intent is fallacious. American’s are culturally, ethnically, socially segregated to such an enormous degree, that travelling from one state to another can cause social problems to an extreme.[/quote]
No shit! I still do not understand why so many lump us into one stereotypical pile. Fucking hilarious. Some say the most segretated day is Sunday. Don’t know as I haven’t been in a church, except my father’s funeral in decades.

It is crazy, but stems from the Queen’s English which is also a hodgepodge of languages from Greece, Latin, France, Germany (English is

Can you provide a link?

Interesting, again, any support? My linquistic professor is Chinese, now U.S. citizen, and loves it here (0ff topic). I wonder if he has done any research on this.

Even if the language is superior, the country is totalitarian.

Chuckle, capitalism has generated the greatest source of wealth the world as ever known. This is a fact. Sure, you have to work your ass off for the almighty dollar, hell, I have been putting in 10 - 11 hour days being one one poster described as a lazy, spoiled teacher. LMFAO. It takes 6 hours to grade one set of class papers and then I have to enter the grades.

If you are discussing the Wild West, true. Wyatt Earp was hauling logs from Big Bear to the San Bernardino Valley when my father was a youngster.

CERN is the big boy, but most do not realize this. Actually, what I have observed is that the Chinese and Indians are great in rote learning, but suck with critical thinking.

Not so, we are the masters of management, and frankly the world flocks to us as managers. Peruse The World is Flat for insight for my meaning.

Nope, we are master of streamlining supply chains to meet the demand.

Nope, it is our tolerance of the intolerant that will be our undoing.

With regards,

I hope this makes sense as it is after 8, and I did put in 11 hours today, with more work to do tomorrow.

Magnet man, for someone claiming to be wise you seem to have many closed Ideas, but that is a side story in itself.

Back on topic, though I do agree that each person is responsible for global issues, I do not think that any drastic changes are even possible let alone nessisary. People will be people regardless and no matter what you may wish to change in humanity it simply won’t happen on a whole.

Thankfully though that sort of change isn’t nessasary with how people behave naturally. When one person acts with conviction, and chooses to live a life that is both strong and supportive, others will see this example and choose to live the same way, essentually all that is nessasary for society to change is for individuals to prove that it can be done effectively.

I guess that would just be cause and effect though. I think though that before one can try to impose change on others they should first do so themselves.

Wouldn’t it depend upon how one regards the term “class”. My understanding is that America is a “classless” society in the sense that there exists no titles of nobility doled out by the reigning authority as was done in the Old World.

If someone takes class to be purely a reflection of economic classes, well then, yeah… different story.

Know Thyself. Plato

It is significant that this subject has immediately zeroed in on what is or what is not the American psyche. No comments have been forthcoming regarding the argument in the opening paragraphs about for the need for a world leader, which is central to what this thread is addressing.

The significance lies in the subconscious fact that nobody really feels immediately qualified to give an informed opinion on complex social subjects until such time as they have obeyed the Platonic injunction about knowing one’s self and have acheived some degree of mastery in this field. Knowing the self is the the first step on the road to universal understanding.

Analysizing the collective Self of the American psyche is a massive psychological conundrum that nobody on the planet has yet mastered. There are very real reasons for this, which we shall get into as we go along. But, until we get some kind of consensus on the psyche of Uncle Sam and Aunt Samantha, the idea of world leadership will remain moot.

So for this reason I posted some of the basic hurdles that need to be faced.

There everal other very serious hurdles that make it difficult in gaining a greater degree of understanding of te American state of self awareness. For instance, how much does the native Red Indian psyche underlie and influence the modern American psyche? If one does the math; ten or so generations of early settler inter/marriages and concubinage, the exponenial numbers show that almost every pre-1850 American family has some degree of native American blood. That racial and cultural mix between a Bronze Age and Iron Age society has significance, One sees that when trying to analyse the Indo/Chinese psyche, the Afro/American psyche or even the Xhosa/Hottentot psyche for example.

If we add the massive immigrant influx that began in the 1850’s, to the pioneering challenges, we are looking at one of the most complex psychological permutations on the planet. It is doubtful if the American psyche can ever be fully analyzed, but we do need to have a better idea than we do at present, so that we can relate what we have learned to other major cultures in a way tjhat allows for a greater degree of global understanding, should America take up its necessary role as world leader.

This is not to say that we are attempting to analyze an alien psyche. There are fundamental family, clan and national values that are common to all cultures. But it is the subtle differences that have arrisen, primarily due to scriopt-based indoctrination that make full understanding of our collective selves very difficult. It is those artificial infences that have caused our wars and which make the idea of a world working togetrher in peace as a Utopian ideal that most of us cannot believe in.

LOL, well apparently aspacia is in the mood for debate.

That appears to be utterly fallacious. Although the formal constructed institutions may have been abolished, within society nothing has noticeable has changed. Segregation, racism, sexism, and inequality all still exist, they are just smokescreened by PC pushers, and society is availed of naught.

The studies are out there, and they are empirically supported. The language being pictographic/phonetic, and more natural for the human vocal production with guttural emission, it is of greater ease to learn for a child, and requires more synchronization between hemispheres of the brain than Latin-Germanic based languages.

The nature of the country has nothing to do with discussion of the language itself.

Sorry aspacia, I do not view things from a single facet perspective. Wealth creation does not make leaders, nor does it dissolve human aberrances, nor does it correct deeply embedded social flaws that never move toward resolution. Wealth only creates more confusion and angst, nothing more. It bears no validity towards this discussion.

Incorrect. The US is the single largest producer/creator of waste in every single industry. Waste control is a management function, and incorporates the function of controlling of human resources. It is virtually an unknown concept in US Management, all the way to the highest levels.

Fallacious. We are masters of flooding supply, because management lacks the ability to understand the best methodology for meeting squarely with demand, understanding risk assessment, using risk assessment to modify management inconsistencies, ineptitudes and oversites.

I disagree, especially after being in fifty three different countries. I was never accosted for being a “tolerant American” … it was always the perception that I was an “arrogant American” that was the problem.

I’ll defer to my experience in the matter.

I would suggest you do not continue your debate with aspacia in this thread. Believe me when I say that she is unrelenting in her defence of anything and all things American and that no amount of counter-reasoning, no matter how valid it might be, will make her budge an inch.
I personally agree with all the negatives about America that you quote. But there is also much more that is possitive.

I would suggest that if any other culture had landed here in the same boat and cut itself off from its roots in a bloody revolution early on in itse formation, the end result would have been much the same.

It seems you are as well travelled as I and have made some study on international relationships. It would be valuable to find out if you agree in principle that a new era of globalism is succeeding internationalism and consequently there is a need for transcendent leadership in the new paradigm.

Your point on Chinese as both the written and spoken future lingua franca of the globe is very enlightening. While I was in Hong Kong in the 1970’s under British rule, there was much discussion on this. It was said that Chinese characters are more computer compatible than the alphabet. But as vast sums of money and effort have already been expended in spreading English globally, it will have to do for the foreseable future. We would loose at least a generation or two instituting Chinese, and considering the exponential deterioration we are presently experiencing on all fronts, I do not think we have the luxury of taking that time.

If memory serves me correctly, GCT is a citizen of Canada, so may have a different perspective. Correct if that statement is in error.

In American society, all one is, is tied intrinsically to economic status. There are stigmas, mostly unspoken, but always present, especially as concerns moving through the economic castes.

Individuals may choose to rebuff or deny, but this casteing by economic class is prevalent.

Not having money in America is tantamount to being a non-human.

Bingo. I am enjoying this thread. Thank you for posting, Magnetman.

Understanding how speculatory this is, and merging that speculation with the appearances of standard human behavior, I would tend to concur with that position.

I can understand your perspective, perhaps better if you expound on what impetuses you are aware of for this shift? In general I can agree that currently no area of the world appears to have what one would define as “good leadership”. This would make many consider change necessary, although the types of change will likely be broad.

I’ll only disagree as a matter opinion. My perspective would be that the time lost changing to a language like Chinese, would be a lesser cost, than waiting for humanity to accept a change … whenever everyone feels “comfortable”. Just my opinion, not supported by anything factual.

There have been four Shifts of mass cobsciousness since the first human became self-aware. These initiated the Stone Age, 2.5m BCE. Bronze Age 20,000 BCE. Iron Age 4000 BCE. Steel Age. 500 BCE.

Each mass change of consciousness was initated by the exponential growth of human populations impacting on regional environments. This reality has forced our specie into ever larger and more complex social contacts, accompanied by the invention and development of new technologies needed to sustain the evolutionary momentum. More efficient socal re-organization and more intensive exploitation of natural resources allowed greater population densities to exist on the same land area.

We are now facing a 5th Mass Shift. This time the exponential population pressures are phenomenal and the resultant environmental stress is global wide. As has happened each time before, an entire new social contract will be needed in order to sustain the on-going momentum of our evolving consciousness.

It is the formation and leadership of the new Nuclear Age social contract (start date 1900 A.D. ) that I wish to discuss on this thread - and what type of technologies will be needed to keep the planet in balance.

What are some of your ideas, Magnet Man? In your book, what are some of these new technologies and how can they be implemented in our culture in the near future?

Could you expound further on the social contract? By whom? Won’t certain governments be completely closed to this idea even though (as you say) it seems inevitable?

Chuckle, individual experience is great support for valid studies, but in of itself is not considered valid.

Hey, we can agree to disagree, free land, and much better than many.


aspacia :sunglasses:

Yes, we do have our positives, but we do have our negatives, which I have often mentioned. Also, you have zero grasp regarding the economics of your theories, they will probably never work. Also, you live in a Communist, Chirstian Oz type mentality.

We cannot support the world. :unamused: #-o


We lead, we are slammed; we do nothing, we are slammed. Geez…

You have zero idea regarding a Platonic society.

Speak for others, not me. How arrogant!

Sigh, any valid support? I doubt it. My other half is 1/8 Iroquois, but I have zero friends or family who have Native American Bloodlines except for my Scots/Iroquois other half.

Take a class in Sociology and Anthropology for insight. Yes, there are mixes and we all come from common ancestry, but time, and evolution has changed all of us.

Also, I am sick of the bs that we should be the world leader. If we are, we are damned, if we aren’t we are damned.

Build a wall, allow a few points of entry for trade, and tell the world to blow itself to bits for all we care. I have had it with trying to care for the world.

Deport illegals, stop all welfare for illegals.

I am tired of people living on welfare expecting those of us who have lived here all our lives, working 10-18 hour days, being expected to pay for the world’s poor.


Most likely in an unfair fashion, I do not give my full perspective of capitalism. As an economic system it does grant the greatest degree of personal freedom to succeed, no one can refute this claim.

My personal problem with American capitalism, is that it is used as an overreaching excuse for every anti-social aberrance of those of the aristocratic class, and their right to such as defined by their wealth. I’m tired of that innane garbage.

Having wealth does not obviate personal responsibility and/or accountability. Unless you are American, then with wealth, you can exploit whoever you choose, without reprisal.

If you are wanting to debate the semantics of language and culture, we can be at this until time’s end. My point was simple. Chinese are of a certain fashion, which is of the human behavior, not predicated upon the language. The language development is secondary to the behavior, especially as concerns politics.

I am, and have been for twenty years, an admirer of the Chinese/Japanese and the coinciding cultures. I know many people who speak the languages, and dialectics, and hear it in a fashion that differs from what you appear to hear it. From what Mandarin I can still speak, (it’s been since the late eighties when I was last in China), it does not come from the front of the mouth, more from the rear mouth and throat, in pronunciation. Just my experience.

Honestly aspacia, most of what I have read recently incorporating “globalization”, lacks integrity under scrutiny, as the term always seems to be used to support a particular political slant. It makes for poor reading, in my opinion.

Here, I’m afraid I’m going to have to quash this particular argument, as my field is technology. Machines do not manage anything. They are number facilitators, nothing more. Management is a human act, and even machines that order parts, pieces, units, stock, etc., are not “managing” anything. They are using algorithms to count, based upon information from humans.

Management is facilitation of resources through risk assessment, allocation/conservation, skill evaluation, and sociological knowledge and prowess. As previously stated, my field is technology based. I work for LexisNexis/Reed Elsevier, (largest law databases in North America), Bon Ton, (internal support for retail establishments), and Arcadis, (EPA logging software and dba management). The technology is only marginally useful, because the management of these companies can’t get past their own egos, agendas, and personal desires for glory, to make partial or even close to acceptably complete use of technological resources at hand.

I work with large numbers of Eastern Indians and Chinese. They are very adept in their fields … up until the strictly American management gets involved. Then no one can get anything done, let alone done correctly because of the constant interference of mid and high level management that is as fucking clueless as the universe is broad.

“If you have no skills, learn management”. It’s a truism. Ask the DOD, that’s where the get their Officers, the most inept and incompetent, and always the most willing to conform.

This is a paragraph about why America has a null value identity as a nation, and why we are unfit to lead.

You are of course entitled to do whatever like, and I have no reason to disagree. As I said, I have read “books” and “studies”, (essays, papers, or books) on the subject. As stated, the empiricism is there to support what I have said, especially as concerns the monosyllabic morpheme nature of Chinese characters vs. word representation in Latin-Germanic based languages. The effect upon the brain, and its functionality with respect to language, is completely different. I do not depend on the internets for my information, I prefer information with traceable references. Just my personal preference.

Unfortunately sir, you can’t narrow the scope to the Nuclear Age, as right along with it came the Transportation Age and the Information Age …

If globalisation would come to actuality, the only thing that would work is an oppressive socialism. The masses must be controlled, and that would require a centralised, and heavily oppressive, leadership.

The larger the herd, the more tight the collar must needs be.

As it stands now, no two governments anywhere, or any two parties inside any government anywhere, are able to agree on anything that is truly significant to the lives of their citizens - let alone what is good for the planet as a whole. Hense the objective of this thread.

The long answer in finding the road that leads towards responsible global stewardship is in my book. The short answer lies in devising an entirely new educational contract. We have to rear our kids and educate them in a far more holistic manner than we do at present. Until we do are in deep trouble and sinking deeper every year.

In our headstart rush to ram script-based information down our childrens’ throats at an ever earlier age, before they have even learned to think for themselves, we have ended up throwing essential human values, which determine intelligent behavior, out of the window, - to the extent that now we cannot even agree on how go about saving our lives by saving our world, without going to war over it.

The mere idea of responsible global stewardship is scorned in the present political, economic and spiritual enviroment and shouted down as an idealistic pipe-dream - even though the common sense of every responsible parent on Earth tells them that it is essential to our long-term health and wellbeing.

As it stands right now, there is hardly an “educated” person on the planet, even inside one’s own family, that one can talk to without there being some degree of disagreement. We revel in telling each other how wrong we are, calling it freedom of speech, even if it does not make any sense.

All of that is a pseudo-intellectual reaction that comes from an age of over-zealous religious dogma that threatened heresy on anyone who deviate one inch from the accepted doctrine. Well, that freedom has now run amock and the arguments its is causing over church and state and rich and poor and everything else is killing us. We do not seem to be able to find a sensible middle ground on anything. Just listen to the endless discordant arguments in the mass media and elsewhere. For every argument on any subject you care to name, there is a rebuttal. Net result: Ideas cancel each other out and very little gets done, unless one spends millions in ads that trash the opposing ideas

So we desperately need an education system that focuses first on our common sense before it indoctrinates and poisons our intellect - on basic human values that all of us agree on without argument. The child education system outlined in my book under the chapter called “Heartstart” lists seven basic stages of conscious development that more or less guarentees we end up working together in an adult manner, from a solid base of shared values, no matter what race or creed. These steps are based on the disciplines all our ancesters learned through trial error over a period of 100,000 generations of evolutionary progressions.

Zero population growth is proving to seriously undermine traditional family values wherever it has become an official policy. Family values underpin our national values. If the traditional family goes downhill, so does the nation. So we have to get rid of that negative concept in global management, and think far more positively about a future in which the human population will keep douibling until our evolution completes its natural cycle. Properly managed this planet can sustain a hundred billion people in great comfort - we already have the technology and the man-power to do it right now - yet we are struggling with just six, and a third of them are starving and two thirds are out of work or under-employed.

I will outline some very interesting research in advanced large-scale planet managment ideas that involve Education. Agriculture, Housing and Energy, once we have dealt with the initial problem of establishing the need for a world leader, endowed with enough common sense to get every one’s attention without threatening to nuke them.