The basic reality that every individual and all nations have to face is that the global problems we are facing now can only get exponentially worse unless significant changes, even larger than those already proposed, are initiated in the near future.
This proposal will suggest that the whole planet and all who live on it is both seen and managed as a single estate.
Global warming due to human generated air pollution is now a proven fact. The oceans are polluted as well and traditional fishing grounds around the world are depleted. The giant equatorial forests that generate much of the worlds oxygen are been mowed down at an accelerated rate. The changing weather conditions are affecting global food production. Mass starvation, plagues of disease, genocide and regional wars have engulfed the lives of over a billion people. The proliferation of WMDs and the rise of international terrorism is alarming to all of us. On top of all this, the global population is growing at an exponential rate, putting even greater strain on existing systems.
As the environment and diplomatic relationships continue to deteriorate, while the existential gap between the privileged and under privileged continues to grow wider, world attention is showing signs of a gradual shift away from concerns about the inequality in international trade and is focusing on seeking more holistic solutions towards global management as a whole.
For planet management to happen on a concerted scale, it will need inspired leadership. For a true world leader to emerge, narrow national goals have to be transcended and the home planet together with all its dispirit cultures has to be seen and managed as a single family estate. Such a visionary leader also has to have the diplomatic skills to convince the world of its altruistic integrity. It must also have the economic capability and the technological ingenuity to bring many elements together, in order to design large scale planet management projects that can excite and employ the combined effort of our kind.
The first order of business would be to bring everyone to the table and agree to repair the environmental damage that has been incurred as the result of an Age that has been invested in developing and establishing a world industry of technological advances - and in conjunction, rebuild the world’s infrastructure and revitalize its education, food, housing and energy resources in a manner that will accommodate the exponential population needs of every nation as we all undergo such a mass change of direction.
Faced with the magnitude of a mass paradigm shift, which many would say; we do or die, the salient question is, which nation is able and willing to step up to the plate and take on the challenge of word leadership?
Since the dismantling of the British Empire, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the United States of America has emerged as the last surviving global super power, and stands as the logical choice for accepting the role as the world leader.
This opportunity is not simply because of America’s economic and military clout. There are more profound requirements for global leadership qualifications. America has most of them.
America’s Assets
America has evolved beyond Old World class structures and treats all its citizens equally.
America has the largest and widest concentration of ethnic immigrants from across the planet and therefore has a direct familial connection to every one of our cultures.
America speaks and teaches English, the global lingua franca.
America has the economic power to initiate global management policies
America has three centuries of pioneer and frontier expertise.
America has the largest concentration of technological brains able to design the large scale engineering projects needed to effectively manage a planet.
America’s Liabilities
Firstly: After three centuries of pioneering a wilderness after cutting itself off from its own cultural roots for generations via a bloody revolution and then faced with integrating hundreds of cultures into a homogeneous whole, while trying to iron out and amend the rules for a democraric form of government that would establish a permanent civilization in the New World, America has had no time to truly reflect on itself, in relationship to the rest of the world and the image the nation projects. As a consequence of its under-developed state of self awareness America remains patently naive in world diplomacy.
Secondly; Despite its vast economic clout, America continues to think of world development in terms of comparatively small scale corporate goals.
The objective in this thread is:
To try and give Americans an outsiders perspective on their self image, so that they can see themselves as the world sees them and thereby make a better presentation of who they really are…
Provide elementary lessons in race relations, and also in caste and class distinctions so that the average American can get know the cultures of the world more intimately, and thereby improve on diplomatic relationships
Present some preliminary ideas on large scale planet management engineering.
As I have a contract for a book to be published on this subject, it is my hope that participants in this thread, both proponents and nay sayers alike, will do so in a broad-minded manner that will help general readers gain some idea of the philosophical and psychological challenges that an issue as large as this one imposes on mankind’s ability to adapt to the major changes an Age shift requires.