Eliminating child labor by target 2015!! Is it possible?

Child labor is a consequence of poverty as hunger, homeless and others so is not as easy as we think. Even NGO’s and prominent individuals can not help eradication this issue until and unless they influence appropriate Governments to reevaluate the economic policies and rural economic growth. Till now rural economy is only known as agricultural economy and never emphasized on add-on value products. Governments have to consider growing and generating rural employment. Target set for 2015 to eradicate poverty may not be achieved until we understand roots and real causes of poverty.
90% of child laborers are rural children who migrate to cities and end up begging, prostitution, domestic helpers, or other odd jobs. It is easy to say “give them education and not work”, but the question is who will give? How many will benefit? Individuals and organizations have been helping these children for several decades. Have they achieved any result? Each day numbers and methods of child labor is growing.
In books or written records the number of child labor may have reduced but physically, it is different, and areas of child labors have added like begging, domestic help, prostitution, pickpockets, street entertainment, which was never there 2-3 decades back.
I herewith enclosed the video clips and my sites to know more about relationship between poverty and child labor issue.
video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 8188781484
video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 6464553063

Why child goes to work? This situation is most urgent to be taken care!!! Child goes to work only when parents allow. And why parents seek own child’s support to sustain home economy? This is what in my opinion Governments need to understand and bring policies in accordance.

So my plea, simply raiding factories with child labor does not solve as parents need their child to work to run home or child without parents to survive. In this circumstance child would enter new areas opened and are in boom such as; sex tourism, rag picking, pick pocketing, begging and more. Law and enforcement to control child labor is one way good discouraging factories, parents and child too, but is short term solution. Child labor, trafficking and prostitution are growing not only in India rather Eastern Europe, Africa, and other Asian countries day by day despite all efforts of governments and International bodies. Number involved in these activities may be much-much more than workers in factories, presently. Similar cases can see with rural poor women who end up in prostitution. Why this situation is arises? And why each day number of prostitutes growing in this world? And all these are in spite of all law and enforcements.

Law is effective as long as resources are open to children for education and for parents earn at least minimum to run a home. Law can only make this situation illegal but help is less towards reform to eliminate child labor.

Purpose of education fails when!!!
I have visited many rural villages in India and found intense poverty. My site explains the distressing facts:

Not buying child labor made items is not the solution to wash out child labor from the world. You think by not buying child labor made items would save children from informal labor. Are you sure they are rehabilitated after they are unemployed? If so! How many? In many cases it is no!! Rather is an eye wash as they do not have resources to accommodate. This practice only lets child laborer enter in further dirty and odd jobs like sex tourism, street begging, street entertainers, rag pickers, thieves, and more open odd areas. So you should not be happy by saying that you have not bought what made by child labor.

Illegalizing child labor is an invitation to corruption in bureaucracy. Despite child labor laws, child labor numbers are on the increase. Arresting child labor in factories have opened many sectors for them to get involved specially in flesh trade, begging, street entertainment, pick pocketing and robbery etc.

My commendations for bringing the issue of child labor to the attention of the forum. I know little about it except in failed states where people depend on subsistence farming and employ their young children. One problem that precedes child labor is irresponsible child-bearing, where parents see offspring as free labor and do not exercise responsibility in bearing more children than they can care for.

You might be interested to know that in 1999, UN Secretary General Kofi Anan initiated a Global Compact which enjoins the global economic systems to eliminate all forms of forced or child labor.

I generally have my tailoring done by a child. The odd time I get my shoes shined it is by a child. My table is often cleared by a child. I almost always buy cigarettes, phone cards and bottled water from a child. I always buy newspapers from a child. I often buy groceries, clothes and household goods from a child. Often enough I engage a child for some other service. And this is from good heartedness; frankly, I’ll buy bread, for instance, from the child before buying it from the woman standing next to her.

Could you elaborate on your position a bit? In general I condone child labor in any case where I wouldn’t be upset to see anyone doing the same work. And obviously, conversely I oppose child labor in situations where it would be sorry for man or beast to do such work. Children are people too?

Children shouldn’t be forced to work under any circumstances. Their is a difference labor and work. Forcing children to do unregulated industry work is horrible.

Forcing anyone to do unregulated industry work is horrible.

but forcing them to “care” or “provide” for their fellow communist is peachy…


Maybe the reason that real communism wont work is because they’re all against child labor and without it there can’t be enough for everyone to have what they need by just giving what they can.
Kids are full of energy and are small which makes them great coal miners and such. Considering that they don’t eat as much as adults or have nearly the health problems of the elderly (many of whom can’t work) they’re contribution, if they were allowed to contribute it might be the key to a utopian paradise.

exploiting labor for the state demands that child labor be exploited for the state as well… stalin would be proud…


If on air programs like Kid Nation on CBS. Continue running then the whole world is going to have a misconception of what child labor is. Just because it is filmed and marketed as a Day Camp. Doesn’t change the fact that it is illegal and the children are working way more than they should be or would be in a normal day camp. It violates Child Labor laws and it should be canceled. Although the damage to the children has already been done.

Yipes, if children aren’t working, what are they doing? I had my children working whenever possible, and most my grandchildren have held jobs. How else are they suppose to learn good work ethic and about the real world? Pampering children is not a good thing. We should be increasing work opportunities and accepting not children are going to go college.

I don’t think you get it, Athena. We’re talking child labor. You know, before they’re even educated. They’re used like animals at the most and puppets the least. Education should be a job alone.

How are children going to grow to their full potential if they’re in sweat shops packing meat?

This is the result of Capitalism. Bourgeois don’t care about their slaves. Until the working class destroys it, it will continue to destroy them.

What is packing meat is the extent of their potential? If they don’t have an economy and they don’t have a military then their potential is drastically limited. Maybe you should send half your paycheck to the poor countries of the world and start eating beans and bread and water.

Eliminating child labor is not a worthwhile endeavor unless you remove its causes-- namely living standards verging on starvation. They may get little pay comparatively, but it’s still far more than what they would be earning doing anything else.