
:-({|= … Has anyone used this on a post before? I have to say it’s my favorite one…

What would your favorite emoticon be? Why?

Note: This post has no intellectual value at all, I’m just REALLY curious about these questions…

Personally, I have no favorite because there is not a “middle finger” representation present for the emotithingy.

I would greatly appreciate its’ addition to the library though.

:D/ i would definatley use this one at the end of what ive said when i’d finished completely trampling over and ripping apart somenes views so much that it would leave them questioning their own thoughts and beleifs in pale faced confusion.

maybe followed by: OWNED UR SOUL!


i’m not sure who but i remember a post strikingly similar to

:-({|= “the devil went down to georgia…”

he’s a good fiddle player
