Do you think emotions are a human weakness?
- yes
- no
Just getting opinions.
Do you think emotions are a human weakness?
Just getting opinions.
emotion and ignorence go hand in hand.
From an evolutionary perspective, emotions can be adaptive. The “fight or flight” responce in the face of an aggressor takes the place of deliberation, when time is of the essence.
Emotions also reinforce memory, attaching significance to events. If the material under study for an exam excites and facinates you, it’s more likely you’ll remember it.
I don’t think there’s much question - the answer is no.
We might be quick to think that emotions get in the way of critical or rational thought, but in doing so we ignore that the very drive to think critically in the first place is itself the product of a certain passion; motivation itself is an emotion. Hell, even those emotions that could be considered weaknesses - frustration, anger and depression come to mind - can and do have their utility, which is to say: what is important is how we react to our emotions and how we choose to employ them.
Emotion is no more a weakness for humanity than is thought. In conjunction the two form the very fabric of what it is to be human.
Let me try rephrase it.
Emotions can be a weakness if NOT controlled.
True. But is that really what you were asking?
Emotions are clearly selective, so I’d have to argue that they are a great asset.
Like so many things, if they are viewed from an individualistic perspective they just get in the way, but as soon as you include a second person into that perspective they become hugely advantageous. And how much greater does that advantage become when more than two people are involved?