Take what you can get for now, and know the future is wide open. Shit can change overnight. Just keep pushing for what you want and you will get it.
Also, listening to loud music. Getting drunk.
Take what you can get for now, and know the future is wide open. Shit can change overnight. Just keep pushing for what you want and you will get it.
Also, listening to loud music. Getting drunk.
Life is what happens to you when you had other plans.
You spend your teens years dreaming of adulthood
the first lesson learned from the start
doors close.
you don’t get into the collage you want
you don’t get the summer internship you want
what you do is settle for some crummy summer job
and a local junior collage
early adulthood is making new friends
lost from high school
you move from some crummy summer job
to some crummy full time job with a lousy boss
and more doors close to you
by the time you are thirty
you have settle with your third choice for marriage
you have settled for another crummy job
because it has benefits
and more doors close
when you are forty
you have kids, car payments
and a house mortgage you can’t afford
you are in your crummy job for life because
of your investment plan
and more doors close
when you are fifty
you realize you have sold out your life
time is now running against you
you now think of retirement
but you know you can never afford it.
and more doors close
at 60
retirement is a pipe dream away
the kids have their own lives
you pray you can pay off the house in 10 years or else
you are facing surgeries which everyone will call procedures
with pills you can’t afford
and there are no more doors to close
at 70
you wonder where the years went
you sit on the couch with your bottle of gin
and watch the price is right
and the only door left
will come soon enough
life is is what happens when you had other plans
and yet we go on. it is a mystery to me why, but we do
probably because we think it won’t happen to me.
we lie to ourselves and go on. the key to growing old
is a short memory.
we can’t think of the disappointments and doors that have closed
or we would kill ourselves.
nothing turns out the way we thought it would
and maybe that’s why we get up in the morning
‘‘Life is what happens to you when you had other plans’’.
For almost everyone the above post is oh so true.
And oh so depressing.
I find it rather comical…Possibly as a psychological defence?
A wonderful old saying and oh so true: When life hands you lemons , make lemonade. Just because i never got what I planned does not mean that I did not get good things. I just had to look at them with a different perspective.