Enter the Dragon and the heir to the martial art realm

What is so memorable about him, that people remembers him?

In the movie, there were 2 mantis, one small one and a big one.
And the small one wins? Is there any significance?

In martial arts films, most amazing actors are lightweight. Except for John claws Van Dam.

Now that the actors in the chinese film industry, Jet li and Jackie Chan coming to the age of retirement. Who is the heir to the throne?

Tony JA, the muay thai or Donnie Yen, the cast away?

Donnie Yen is definitely a top notch candidate … fastest hands in the world at present.

Another worthy heir is Ong Bak … unbelievable, completely … he’s like Gumby on SPD.

That would be the mentioned Tony Ja.

It’s good that movie martial arts got introduced to some new styles. Muay Thai is brutal and hopefully we get more movies with Jaa in them.

I wonder what happened to Keith Moon … he seemed to be climbing the ladder … Mortal Kombat’s Reptile - fastest feet in the world … recorded …

He just … poof disappeared.

no, that was Spinal Tap’s drummer who spontaneously combusted…


LMMFAO, you are truly evil Imp. =D>

He’s actually Keith Cooke and he did a lot of TV after that. Nothing big, just a couple martial arts characters. He was Sub-Zero in the second movie, and will be Sub-Zero in the new Mortal Kombat movie next year. But overall, not a whole lot. I wonder why…

Oops, I actually did type Keith Moon, who’d a thunk it … lol.

Keith Cooke Hirabayashi, you are correct. Seemed rather talented, martial arts wise, not much for the acting. That may be the reason.

The original Scorpion, Chris Casamassa, was quite good, not much acting required though.

Francois Petit, the original Sub Zero was pretty stellar … not easy to be him out.

All true. At least Chris Casamassa will be back as Scorpion in the new MK as well. They are getting the guy who played Quan Chi in the TV series to be QC in the movie as well, as the primary bad guy.

Its the actor’s impact. Will these prospect actors cause a huge imapact on the audience? There was a time when the actor was adore, then suddenly people got tired of watching him, and the actor disappeared. quoted from jackie chan the documentary film of the dealiest man on the planet.

Then a resurrection happens, Jackie Chan of a suddenly back. then goes back down completely once more.

I think at the beginning the big successful martial arts movie does arose a bigger audience from the first one.

I can’t believe you’re all even mentioning Mortal Kombat. Don’t get me wrong, that movie had some fantastic choreography, but that was about it. Otherwise it’s a comedy, starring Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as the over-the-top bad guy who’s in love with the sound of his voice when he’s making outlandish threats… even in Outland no less!

Anyway, I can’t believe everyone forgot about Chow Yun Fat! He’s a year older than Jackie Chan but he’s got moves and is a much better actor than most martial artists.

What about Jason Scott Lee? His only problem was ever since he did Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, his career seems to get worse. In fact, that was the only really good movie he’s ever been in, although The Jungle Book was okay.

Tony Jaa seems to be the likely successor as he’s the youngest… I saw Ong Bak and was very impressed what this guy could do with his body. The human Gumby indeed… hehe… good one Masti…

Jean-Claude Van Damme is one of those guys who, though a lousy actor, keeps proving his worth. He is as good a fighter as he is a comic… just look at Street Fighter
“Have you lost your mind?”
“No, you’ve lost your balls!”
Of course, his movies often conform to a repetative formula such as: hero sees challenge, hero prepares for challenge, hero faces challenge and eventually gets the shit beat out of him by the bad guy, and finally, hero finds new strength and power to resolve previous weakness and wipes the floor with the bad guy, thereby defeating the challenge and retaining the heroship. Examples of this formula are found in just about all of his movies.

Then of course there’s Steven Seagal, who can kill anyone.

I was like taking a day off for replying posts, but reacting to your post, I ought to reply.

Chow yun fat, like the other chinese martial artists is about to retire and ought to retire. But out of all the actors you have named, who has the most potential to recieved the glory as Jackie chan , Jet li, or Bruce Lee?

And such as the American movie actor legend, James dean, and Marilyn Monroe, it seems that their names never died out through time.