entropy, time and consciousness

One of the defining qualities of consciousness is the experience of a ‘now’ as supposed to past and future. Where does this experience come from in the physical world?

My answer would be entropy and the 2nd law of thermodynamics; which simply states that entropy of the universe must always increase with time. I think this because it is the only law in classical physics that is asymmetric in time.

What are the implications of this?

For an intelligence to be truly conscious, be it natural of artifical, it must constatly be experiencing this increase in entropy. I would then argue that this is what we observe in nature as all living creatures are constatly aging and this is just us slowly increasing in entropy.
The further implication being that if we are to make truly conscious artificial inteligence it too must age and eventually die in a similar way to ourselves.

To understand a little better. I’ll explain why i think a ‘normal’ computer wouldn’t have this property.

A computer is defined as


with the arrows showing the direction of time.

If the only physics involved in this is the time symmetric laws of motion we could just aswell have


The phyics would be the same.

so essentially we have
for a ‘normal’ computer


…just an idea…what do you think?