Entropy is the fragmentation of forces. It goes right along with time. Time is the human calculation of entropy. We use time to measure entropy, because we have no other way. As time progresses, entropy goes in a positive flow, or a negative flow. Entropy will rise at a steady rate until we reach a point near 100%, and at that point it will either end time, or it will reverse in flow. If we accepted the near-100% point to be a big bang type event, then the next cycle of entropy would be all things slowing down, once again going at a steady rate. Upon reaching close to 0%, entropy would restart, or a living, sentient species would start. We could not reach a absolute because that would mean a singularity and that could not exist. Time would continue in this endless loop; however the events would continue to be recreated. The specific events would not be reenacted to the exact, due to human and non-human randomness, but as the infinite monkey theorem states, some events could very well be perfectly recreated. This flow of entropy cannot be reversed by any means other than time, and if any proof could be offered toward this, it would be us. Can anyone honestly say things were better 20 years ago than now? You look on the news and see murders, school-shootouts, etc. look 20 years ago and you would not see this. Almost every, if not every technological advance that has been made has been subverted, creating a weapon of some sorts. Look at nuclear power-we made nuclear bombs out of it. Electricity? Tasers, stun guns, weapon targeting systems, etc.
Greed is one of the driving forces behind this. More specifically put it would be greed for power, with a few exceptions. Everything we do is ultimately going to boost our power, and this inclines me to believe that we do things for that purpose. You go to school to learn, and through knowledge comes power. You get a good job for money, which also gives you power. Humans always want freedom for this gain in knowledge. Almost all strict, non-warmongering tyrannies have lasted the longest out of all societies. Look at America. It has a dying economy, very loose morals that loosen every day, and many more murders than other countries. Now look at the stricter places, like Saudi Arabia. You steal there, you lose a hand. With such a swift and strict punishment, no one will risk stealing, or at least much less. We seek this freedom to gain power, and with that power we destroy. That is why the free countries last the shortest. Humans only stay together under the weight of oppression. We will not let ourselves be oppressed like this, so we continue to fall, create more weapons to stop this falling, and the flow of entropy all the while increases.
Entropy cannot be viewed as a one directional things- space can be seen as possibility and so dimensions (direction) can be seen as the possibilities accessible or discernible to the human mind. We can only be aware of one because if it flowed another way everything would be reversed-human minds would be reconstructing and dematerializing. That would be ridiculous. Also, time would continue, since it is not uni-directional and is just a measurement it is as finite as numbers. The flow can be slowed however- When a large preservative event, like tyranny, occurs things can be slowed. When Caesar ruled there was less entropy in the flow because there was safety. Things were preserved, so less entropy flowed. This becomes harder and harder to do- as humans we currently view tyranny as bad. As stated before it is due to greed. We are the preservers of entropy, always keeping it at its pace. The flow of entropy can change after all life is dead, but never until then . Thus we see that we cannot change it, but entropy will continue.