Epistemology: who to trust?

Who is immune? How do you know?

Sorry, wrong.

Any stories covered by mainstream media and social media are suspect at this point when the media and social media platforms are censoring vaccine deaths and those who are dying from long Covid despite the vaccine.

Covid only kills 1.7% of the population. By now, a third of the world or more have had it and are immune.

Why not let it run its course to reach herd immunity? People die all the time from the flu and pneumonia despite vaccines.

And my same antibodies will again fight it off again. What is so difficult in grasping that logic?

I’m immune from it killing me, not from catching it.

How do you know what is being censored and how much is being censored?

1.7% of a world population of 7.7 billion is 130 million.

How do you know that?

Potentially 130 million could die if you let it run its course.

As the article points out, immunity, both from vaccines and natural, wanes over time. So yes, you can catch it again even if you had it, and it can kill you.

As the article also points out, the virus is constantly evolving. Evolved (mutant) strains like Delta and Mu can circumvent natural and vaccine-acquired immunity, which is why booster shots for those vaccinated are being recommended.

Of course, about half of Americans don’t “believe” in evolution, and surveys consistently show that about one-third of Americans believe the sun revolves around the earth. America is a nation of violent goons who need no epistemic justification for their idiotic beliefs. The beliefs of this sector are simply tribal, a way to virtue-signal to other Trump lovers. Hell, they even booed Trump recently for recommending that people get vaccinated.

The less skills people have, the more they need to rely on trusted sources.

Not that anyone can do this entire on their own. Even someone who understands the medicine and the calculations is putting trust in the numbers and the source of the numbers.

I don’t think you can say that this only applies to America.

There is a lot of vaccine hesitancy in Russia, for example.

How would it kill me when my same antibodies are always present in my same system?

People are not both pragmatic and logical and this fact is a huge problem.

Why would anyone get a vaccine that…
A) doesn’t keep you from catching it
B) gives no guarantee you won’t die from Covid anyway


I’m not against vaccine hesitancy per se. There could be a number of valid reasons for being hesitant about getting a vaccine, or any medical procedure.

That isn’t what this is about. In America, and in other places no doubt, all sorts of idiocy is being promulgated about this vaccine: that the government is injecting computer chips into you, to track you and control you. That the vaccine has not been sufficiently studied and that people are being used as lab rats. That large numbers of people have died because of the vaccine (completely false). And so on.

This is what to expect in a nation, America, consisting largely of ignoramuses. It is forgotten that vaccines wiped out polio and smallpox, for example. But Americans are well known for having virtually no sense of history at all. Not all of them, of course, but enough of them to put our nation consistently in peril from many sources.

Did you actually read the article that I linked? Or just the headline?

Reduction of risk.

What’s happening here:

From what I’ve read, I think this is happening due to 2 factors…

  1. adverse reactions/lethargy, after the first shot
  2. the mention of a third/booster/multiple/yearly shot.

Factor 1, combined with factor 2, has led to the hesitancy.

How have you reduced your risk? You feel safer mentally?

Ironically, both polio and smallpox had incidents of tainted vaccines. :imp:

I think that I have reduced it by getting the vaccine.

I made a decision.

The vaccine makes you safer physically. It does not guarantee full immunity and it does not guarantee permanent partial immunity. The benefits of getting it far outweigh any minor risks. It’s really that simple. Basic risk assessment.

Yes, I did and it doesn’t say what you are purporting. You are obviously, like the rest of the world, not understanding what immunity means and that could well be that because in this scenario I am using it in two ways (immunity to death and immunity to reinfection) and your article only uses it in one was (immunity to reinfection)

Once you survive Covid without long Covid, you have a natural immunity to long Covid. However, you only have a limited immunity to re-infection.

Your article doesn’t say anything different, but there is a part in there where there is an implied difference.

Do you understand that there is a built in natural immunity to Covid death?

Also, with improved overall quality of life, cleaner water, ample food, and such, both may have been naturally eliminated.

No, there is not a built-in natural immunity to Covid death. If you get Covid you could die, regardless of whether you had it before or whether you were vaccinated.