I’m currently very interested in updating myself on the issue of ESP. So I’d like to hear your views on it; do you believe that we humans have the capability of PK and ESP, and if so, what is the potential?
Do you have any tips on how to refine it, and maybe some literature to recommend?
In order to sense something, there has to be an organ responsible for sensing it, or at least a net of sensitive neurons capable of doing so. So no sense is truly “extra-sensory”.
I have no idea how people expect PK to work. Sending objects remotely flying through the air would require some sort of remote force acting on those objects. We have gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear and strong nuclear. Electromagnetism is the only one that has any chance of acting on our degree of scale and influence. And even then, it would require the presence of massive electric and magnetic charges to actually move objects around ala Star Wars.
“ESP” is a broad and ambiguous term for a wide range of described phenomenon. From mind reading to thought projection to telling the future.
While I feel there may be something more to the capabilities of the human brain, (we only actually use a small portion of it) the evidence just isn’t there to support any of it. Any ‘information’ you’ll find on the subject at this point is pseudoscience at best
I’d say given the evidence we have now, no- there’s no valid reason to believe in any paranormal or extrasensory phenomenon. As of yet we’ve found no mechanism in the brain or body that could cause PK, nor any force we’ve identified that the human mind could use to manipulate matter in any way.
Ditto right now for precog. Assuming that the future is fixed (I don’t even wanna go there right now ) there’s no good evidence that we can percieve it, nor any reason why we should think the future would reveal itself to us. As a child I had dreams that seemed precognitive, and had the same dream as a sibling, but obviously there was no scientific control of it. I could have simply filled in the blanks mentally after the fact. Human perception and memory is riddled with flaws and limitations.
i’m not trying to sound childish or anything but i believe there have been times in my life where i have accurately predicted stuff. for example i once asked one of my friends if they had a friend who was a little taller than me with short brown hair whom she had never mentioned and i’d never seen a picture of. she said yes, why and i replied that i’d had a dream the night before that one of her friends would have a death in her family. two days later her dad died. another quick story: in college my mom went on a road trip. while she was out she was leaving an intersection and an old red truck ran the stop light and came less than an inch from hitting her. when she retured from her trip someone in her dorm she sort of knew but not real well came up to her telling her she’d had a dream that she was killed in a car accident. she described the intersection in detail and the truck that almost hit her. so i believe it can happen.
i do believe in esp. there have been many times when ive been able to predict the next few seconds. for example…once in class we were giving impromptu speeches and our teacher was randomly calling people up based on a seating chart. out of a class a 33, towards the end…i got this stronge feeling i was next, for no particular reason. and he did call me next. i hadnt gotten that feeling all day, although i had been nervous knowing my chances of being called up were growing bigger with each person being selected before me. now…you may call it coincidence, but i personally believe that it was a hint of esp. now im not saying i can guess the lottery numbers, im not some prophet, i just got a feeling and that happened to be correct. i also believe that what we choose to call that little voice in our head , the conscience (the one that everyone has), is a bit of esp. i think the key to refining it is…listen to it a bit more, listen to those intuitive feelings a bit more. as for all of the people who approached this topic in a very literal/technical/analytical way, there are numerous things in the universe that are unexplainable, they simply just are. our entire existence is one, crop circles, and blah blah blah. the list can go on forever. also, a book i would recommend on understand the “concept” is Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue by Neale Donald Walsh. pay particular attention to the beginning section where he explains what reality is, and how reality is real only to us. it might provide an explanation how we believe that a certain event is our reality, we indirectly make it our reality. its a difficult subject to explain, i havent quite explained it to myself yet. anyway…thats my two cents.
Pardon me, Surrealist, but crop circles are fakes. They were first created by a couple of engineers(?) or something, back in the 70s. They showed on tv how they did it.
Heck, I don’t even know when crop circles first appeared.
actually…if you want to be techincal, just because a couple of “engineers” were able to produce a crop circle doesnt necessarily mean that ALL crop circles were created by humans. there is a some evidence supporting this such as: the corn stalks not being broken, seed casings being empty of seeds on the bent corn stalks yet nearby unbent cornstalks retained there’s. also, i dont think human beings cant possibly be responsible for over 10,000 crop circles around the world. the crop circles generated by human beings may look “genuine” at first glance but when actually examined, some of the bent nodes were beyond human capability. all of the nodes in the corn stalks were blown open, something obviously requiring huge amounts of energy. oh and just so you know…crop circles were first reported in 1972.
Okay, two things your statement implies. 1) Either the aliens copied a couple of dudes from England because they thought that was a sensible way of communicating. Or 2) the aliens created the crop circles, then a couple of English guys decided to copy them.
There are other problems with this assertion: Is there a difference between the fake circles and mysterious circles? Or are they the same? The fake circles being the ones created by humans, the mysterious ones created by aliens. So, which ones are genuine alien crop circles? Because some of those fake ones ended up being in magazines claiming they were genuine.
Here’s what I found out. Wet stalks can bend without breaking.
It became a mania. It went out of hand and newspapers, tabloids, magazines, television all over went crazy reporting a hoax. It wasn’t until it became out of control that the two guys came out in the open and confessed that the circles were not extraterrestrial. Journalists around the world get info from organization such as Associated Press in a matter of minutes. So, one could be in England, another could be in Asia, then in middle-east.
Yes, it has undergone microscopic investigation. There are no difference, and the marked appearances of the stalks occur as a result of bending.
ESP is only possible by developing those senses that are dormant within each of us. Superior senses are well documented in India, they call them Chakras. The way to put those centres into activity is through conscious work on ourselves, by mean of Meditaion and Mantralizations. Look into Buddhism and Hinduism.
There are authors who talk about man’s occult/hidden senses and related issues and topics. Charles Leadbeater wrote a book called “The Chakras”.
Rudlph Steiner also talks about it, in his book “How to Know Higher Worlds” and in “Esoteric Science”.
Samael Aun Weor wrote many books revealing many excercises to awaken higher cognition and superior senses. His book “The Perfect Matrimony”, is the most comprehensive and detailed.
folks, today is ma sceptical day, so I won’t tell you anything than that in my opinion 99,9% of what is considered as strange, inexplicable phenomena, ESP or the like are fakes, tricks, or some exceptions in the natural laws that can be explained, by means of analysis of human perception or some laws of science whach perhaps have not been discovered yet.
and that 0,1%? well. that is perphaps THE DEPTH OF VOID, perhaps nothingness manifests itself by playing with us