European Infection

…how’s that working out for ya?

There is something off about this zelenskyy guy…

He’s seems to be exploiting the west into bringing things into his direction, almost pushing for ww3… I suppose he probably doesn’t have any other strategy… But still

Something is off with the guy…

Anyone else picking up on this?

The “war hero” in heels…


What the fuck…

These societies are inevitably doomed, they have to go backwards before they go forwards…

Yo perpetual, if and when Ukrainians win this war, I bet you 20 bucks that feminist biatches will claim the victory!..

He is kind of constrained to dance on the waves like Esther Williams used to or be submerged like a siren alerting sailors to dangerous undertow.

He really should go to the Oscar’s, re Shawn Penn . An honorary award could go a long way with acting gaining new respect within governing circles world wide; and making headway with Putin.

After all who nowedays would miss that vainglorious event.

In order to ensure the security and stability of my type, geometric organization was necessary for preservation into an establishment once again upon the earth surface, after being disorganized into the dark corners, afraid and terrified moving quietly and hiding in plain sight among the psychotic primitive. Destruction was necessary in order to pave the way for reconnection, one evil brakes down into multiple evils can be used as advantage. Technology was necessary for the shattering, perhaps so they may evolve backwards to a more purified state, but the advancement of technology is not without its collateral flaws. World war 2 was a great entry point and significant progress has been made since. The secularized process has calmed certain evil but the docile effect has opened them up to further deterioration in other varies ways producing a weirdness of disgust but i suppose it is better than them playing with fire.

Lol, with minor correction

WWI was the entry flash point and all caused by a Serbian assassin’s bullet into the Austro-Hungarian prinz.
dreams were shattered.
The heart of Europe melted like a cake in Mc’Arthur Park.