evryone has something wrong with them, a tiny, nagging thought at the back of your head that you heard something behind you. that your being left or abandoned by the pitch of a loved ones voice when they said goodbye. or how one particular person really pisses you off without even trying. having to always check you clean, check and double check. having to always check everythings the same, check and double check. you will always find a something cold inside someones head and if you go looking for a problem, you’ll find it.
theres only one person who can tell you your crazy or your depressed ect., and it’s not a trained psycologist either. there is only one person who can see the world as you see it, and feel the same way. a trained psycologist can help you in many ways by diagnosing you, pescribing anti-depressants, anti-psycotic pills ect. but by also helping you understand whats hapening inside your own mind and maybe, where your going wrong.
but a psycologist, no matter how good, will never feel that exact emotion, they can only imagene. they can’t live the world as you do or react in the same way you do.
if you do not talk to the psycologist or do not tell the whole truth, no one can help you, only you can. a proffesional can be a guide or a sherper to guide you up the montain of life, but they can only go so far, they can’t climb the mountain for you. your relatives can carry you up so far, but the rest is up to you and no anti-depressant or anti-psycotic pill can tell you or teach you to cope with situations on your own, you must learn how to on your own.
…and when did you stop taking meds?
and whats that soposed to mean???
personally i have only looked at using anti-depressants but i don’t believe i need any help, i will cope myself without popping uppers or downers or whatever you may prescribe. how are you soposed to cope when a similar situation arises in the future if you learnt to deal with this situation by being dependant on prozac???
when did your prescription finish???