I do believe that some people get together for the wrong reasons. They fall in love with an image and not the person, then get frustraited when things do go as they’d expect.
It’s wrong to steal, but righteous to give to people who are about to die the food they need… In the act of righteousness (giving), there is an act of doing wrong (stealing).
You still don’t get what makes something immoral do you?
It’s the intent of what your doing, not the content.
You can be technically wrong in that you inadvertently hurt someone through your good intentions but that is not a sin, it manipulation for your own good without respect for others that makes it wrong.
Sin is ignorance. FOr people sin when they want something they percieve as good. Then make up philosophies to justify their sin. And try to do sin right in their mind.
I wouldnt since they knew what they were doing and purposly covered the Truth up and made their own. You cant choose if you dont know what your choosing.
It’s about priorities. Because they prioretize wrong they desire a life that is different and make up philosophies to change life. They ignorantly desire the wrong things as a way to happiness. They just don’t know real happiness.
Sorry, but I just cant see sin as ignorance, you must know and understand the decision to be judged for it, therefore God cannot allow someone to go to hell because they are ignorant. If that was the case then there would have to be degrees of accepted ignorance or different kinds of ignorance or we would all be in hell because we are all ignorant to a degree.
Nope, it just doesn’t pass the logic test no matter how you slice it.
Sin is pure selfishness and that why its so ugly and unforgivable, nothing ugly or inherently wrong about ignorance. Stepping on someone else for your own benefit is the very same reason we separate here on earth, you simply cant live in peace with such a person.
When we die and go before the pearly gates ade get judged… You will be faced with the sin you have commited. If you can not let go of the sins, and ask the Holy Spirit to heal your soul,… you will become a ghost. IE they cannot forgive their murder untill it is resolved. But deamons are the ones who fight against God. Shadow spirits are the ones I associate with deamons.