Evil Phrases Changing Christian Culture

I have noticed that the attitudes of Christians seem to gradually change over time, and I’m only talking about the last couple of decades alone.
How many people who would count themselves as Christians here have heard a phrase which was attributed to religion and thought on some level that it was a christian thing to say because it was in defence of christianity? The was one particular statement I heard on TV a while ago but didn’t think anything of it at the time. It was not until it came up again in a heated discussion some friends of mine were having that it clicked.

Have you heard the phrase ‘Jesus was not a Monkey’?
This is one of the most evil, loaded, manipulative things I have ever heard paraded as a ‘christian phrase’.
Just because there are some Christians around who don’t see what’s wrong with it, I’ll run through it.

‘Jesus was not a Monkey’

  1. It is a loaded statement that falsely sounds as though it is Defending Jesus from an attack that never existed.
  2. The standard modern scientific theory is that humans evolved to the point where we would recognise and catagorise them as humans around 200,000 years ago, as opposed to the 2000 years ago when Jesus was here that no one argued with.
  3. This is a deviously subtle link between the theory of evolution and religion, insidously trying to create division, anger and hatred in Christian minds where there previously was not.

This is a purely evil statement, both in content and intent, and if there really is a Devil it could have straight from his lips. Yes, it really is THAT evil. They subtly change Christian Culture as a whole for the worse. It’s these kind of ‘harmless’ sounding statements that fuel the spread of hatred and even war. This is from within the Christian community we’re talking about!

Does anyone know of any other such ‘christian sounding phrases’ lurking around in the whispers at the back of churches? If you’re not sure, It’s probably a ‘christian sounding phrase’ if it seems to be a quote but is not a quote from the Bible.
Please post any hear about.

Jesus was a monkey! :laughing:

Growing up a pastor’s son, I probably could think of a number of phrases or typical responses a Christian might have. In one of my posts, I dedicated an entire post dedicated to bashing the hell out of the phrase:

“God can do anything”

Often this is a phrase that pops out when a Christian is backed into a philosophical corner in a debate or dialog. I won’t bother talking about the numerous things wrong with it. :wink:

I hate the following phrases:

  • “With God, all things are possible”
    (all things?.. I can think of a few things that aren’t possible)
    (Reminds me of another post where I asked, “What can’t God do”?)
  • “What would Jesus do?”
    (as if anyone knew)
  • anything having to do with “A leap of faith”
    (because people don’t really understand what kind of “leap” they are talking about)

‘Jesus was not a monkey’ sounds like a big digression to me, and a stupid one at that.