Evolutionary Psych

So, I realize this could be cross posted in various other sections, but I started here in philosophy because that’s where all the chicks are.

I wanna flesh some stuff out. For about a year, I posted like mad on this site, racking up like 1100 posts in twenty minutes. However, I got released from marriage prison and moved to New Orleans where I worked my ass off, womanized, drank, and ran alot. As such, I didn’t have a whole lot of time for ILP. What I did have time for was good old leisure reading and in doing that, I realized I hate philosophy - at least the traditional closed circle (Heidegger points to Husserl points to Kant points to Plato points to Heidegger points to Tinkers to Evers to Chance. Double Play!! Gimme my PhD! C’mere and have Sex With Charlie Murphy) which is more like a faith than anything really useful or novel. My distaste for the current popular academic mode of Philosophy was also fueled by several conversations with old profs at my undergrad university and participations in philosophy forums; I was amazed at the complete lack of realism and the total disconnect from the day to day world from grown ass men who should know better (I’m not talking about all of my ex-prof’s. there are several who are bad Mofo’s and I would be proud to be in their positions in my old age). So basically, I said byedy-bye to any pretension of a liberal arts graduate degree and fuck all to philosophy.

At this same time, I experienced something Akin to the unbreaking of A mirror and decided to pursue Medical School. We’ll see how that goes.

Now, I bumbled around A bit, unable to reconcile my interest in “materialist thinking” with my nausea with the current state of academic philosophy., UNTIL !!! I read “Genealogy Of Aesthetics” by Ekbert Faas (amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de … s&n=507846) wherein this European Bad Motherfucker (hereafter BEM) laid out the whole body centered counter tradition to the Platonic crap. I was familiar with the transvaluation of pagan values from Nietzsche, but I’d never seen it laid out so clearly, plainly, and lovely.

So, how do we construct a fully armed and Operational Death Star of Empiricist Sensualist Corporeal Machine of Thinking? A Seducer’s Philosophy?

My points of arrival and departure are these questions

  1. Based in American Philosophy, what’s the goodness and badness of explaining the World with "how’s that Working for you? and treating everything as an experiment or a game and throwing out bad results and aggregating good results to the whole? Consider it lateral philosophy instead of transcendentalist or megatranscendentalist philosophy.

  2. Let’s say humans are animals, 100%. Let’s say we are bound by genetic limitiations that interact complexly with their environment. Let’s say that Evolutionary psychology is right and that the Madonna-Whore double standard is genetic. Let’s say that men are natural Philanderers. Let’s Say that Greek philosophy is basically the written down end of the Near Eastern and Indo European Mythopoetic tradition that gave us The Rg Vedas, the Tain, The Avestan, Gilgamesh, and the Bible. If we read these texts from a physiological and more sexual perspective, what happens?

  3. If true art, in the west, is considered to mirror, to reflect, to privilege transcendent realities, ie non physical, non sinuous things, then it would have no care for the transformation Of an environment by the human hand, in fact it would Not consider this Art, (In Fact I think contemporary deep ecology, which considers What I just said rank heresy, to Be simply a “pseudo-corporeality”, an Aristotle of the World and part And parcel of the Transcendently Real Brigade) Yet, The transformation of the environment is a common occurence across the entire spectrum of life and is the Will to Power, making the unknown known and familiar. This is my thesis. I being vague on purpose.

I hate Hurricane Katrina cause now I live in Fort Worth, Texas where the bars close at two and the rednecks think they’re bad ass.

Hermes Lascivio, the Disposable Lighter Repairman of ILP, ABM, and Reluctant Refugee

If you remove the brackets the forum should automatically turned that into a link and make this post readable.

  1. Based in American Philosophy, what’s the goodness and badness of explaining the World with "how’s that Working for you? and treating everything as an experiment or a game and throwing out bad results and aggregating good results to the whole? Consider it lateral philosophy instead of transcendentalist or megatranscendentalist philosophy.

This part I like because it really has to do with ethics. I believe that ethics are the most useful aspect of philosophy as they pertain to “real world” activities.

  1. Let’s say humans are animals, 100%. Let’s say we are bound by genetic limitiations that interact complexly with their environment. Let’s say that Evolutionary psychology is right and that the Madonna-Whore double standard is genetic. Let’s say that men are natural Philanderers. Let’s Say that Greek philosophy is basically the written down end of the Near Eastern and Indo European Mythopoetic tradition that gave us The Rg Vedas, the Tain, The Avestan, Gilgamesh, and the Bible. If we read these texts from a physiological and more sexual perspective, what happens?

This part is bullshit in that it is the same as the philosophy that you complain about. Anyone that has actually lived a life knows that their mind makes decisions and those decisions can be much different from those made by people in other cultures even if you are of the same genetic background.

Genes MAY be able to influence levels of energy and intensity of response, but complex thoughts aren’t coded into them. Genes are just chemicals.

  1. If true art, in the west, is considered to mirror, to reflect, to privilege transcendent realities, ie non physical, non sinuous things, then it would have no care for the transformation Of an environment by the human hand, in fact it would Not consider this Art, (In Fact I think contemporary deep ecology, which considers What I just said rank heresy, to Be simply a “pseudo-corporeality”, an Aristotle of the World and part And parcel of the Transcendently Real Brigade) Yet, The transformation of the environment is a common occurence across the entire spectrum of life and is the Will to Power, making the unknown known and familiar. This is my thesis. I being vague on purpose.

I’m not quite sure what you are getting at here, but if humans are animals then whatever we do to the environment is just fine. This is where we are at now.

Hermes Lascivio. :smiley: