Evolutionary psychology



meno said:

Referring to the systemic uncertainty of balance between the entangled sub structures and the corresponding lack of definite accountability of diagnostic criteria ; the gap is widening .

The medicated patient , for instance can not progressively gain understanding as to what ill’s him, because it is assumed that even in an unmedicated state, he is as perplexed as to his understanding as if he has never been analyzed.

This view is paradoxical, since it’s affordability determines the real nature of the gains of lengthy analysis that is required to advance to better understanding.

Sculptor said:

“This is more waffle.
Evolutionary psychology is not related to medicated patients.”

Meno says:

In fact what has psychiatry, a practic use of psychology arrived to? A minimalization of the use of analysis leading primarily to somatization of patients.
The symptoms are treated but the substantive causes remain .

Isn’t the sense of deconstruction not co-present with the devolution of the use of psychological pre-cepts? And that is not to say that both processes may be going on .

The title of the forum avoids the sense of being altered or violated in this manner.

Do you mean stigmatisation, rather than somatisation?
Either way this is still way off beam for EvoPsych

Ok . Abandoning this line of argument for the sake of just staying in the loop.

But no, I did mean drugging people to oblivion.

At the risk of eliciting another weird answer why are you talking about that?