God is supposed to be Perfect?
God is supposed to be always right, never wrong?
Yet if god is all good and has nothng to do with evil, and in the hebrew/christian bible(probably muslim since same god) he asks for everything in moderation. Yet God can not be in moderation, since God is all good. Moderation is everything in ballence, So if everything is supposed to be in moderation then this god is not perfect and thus this proves he never existed at all. or atleast their take on it…
Okay lets make sure we got this.
God is supposed to be perfect and correct in all aspects. But if he asks for everything in moderation then he cant exist since that would prove him to be wrong(by being all good and not good and evil in conjunction). and god cant be wrong. So If god cant be wrong the that would mean moderation is either not the way to go, or the idea of good vs evil is primordial extension from evolving man’s brain.
hmmm this would mean those religions are wrong…
Rather sad when you think about it. Today i figured out that religion in most instances are wrong and illigitamte. While God exists because if he did not i would not even be able to come up wth the idea of a perfect being. yet this only proves he exists not that he is cable of doing anything. God is infinite he does not act because then that would mean he could fail if he did not act. he exists yet if he acts then he destroys himself.
now that ive thought about it. The prime mover is god, but not by moving but god’s mere coming into existance would set things off as a effect with out a cause.
God is in Perfect Moderation… He is perfectly moderating his perfection. A perfect equilibrium.
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When does God ask for everything in Moderation? i thought we were told to Love/respect everyone from the depths of our souls/hearts… I thought we were taught to give and appreciate what we have(those who are last will be first in heaven)… I thought we were taught to Honor our Mother and Father…
Are you suggesting we should moderate Gods word?(ok. if there even is a God for all those people). Should we kiss our parents feet sometimes then come back and shit in their face? This is moderation…ideally. Balancing both good and bad, like you said.
I think God is above the “law”. He is the creator. He is supreme.
Sorry, but what did you mean by god asks for"for everything in moderation"
Everything in moderation, drink but do not get drunk was the perfect example. Basically dont do so much that it becomes addictve, but dont swear it off completly. keep things in moderation. I dont remember exactly. fuzzy logic this late in the day.
moderating worldly pleasures (drinking, material things…etc…) is only benefiting the human…its benefits your self…
We should avoid extremes lows and highs. But should we fluctuate the level of Love we have for someone. Does this make sense. Is this Gods intention. doubtful…it wouldnt make sense.
I dont think God asked" for everything in moderation"…see my previous post
I must agree with youngman18 on this issue, all teachings in the bible are beneficial to somone. Love thy neighbour, thou shalt not… for example, stop you from getting in trouble with people. Even when the bible/catholic church speak against homosexuality (not my personal view), this view is beneficial to homophobs. In short, god (if he/she’s out there) does not need to be moderated, but rather perfectly beneficial.