
No such thing as perfect circles/spheres in nature either.
Examine a circle/sphere, even a manmade one under a microscope and you’ll see innumerable/unquantifiable imperfections.
There’re a lot of triangles, squares, pentagons and perhaps especially hexagons in nature too, you can see them in life forms, crystal, metallic and mineral formations.


It’s also been said nature is more fractal than Euclidean.


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Chaos is never completed, never perfected, never made whole - order prevents its finalization.
Order is never completed, never perfected, never made whole - chaos prevents its finalization.
No absolutes.
No Platonic Ideals, other than in the human mind where hope for finality is a hope for an end of existence, and its experiencing of it as need/suffering, as agon, as constant struggle.
This is what nihilistic secular ideologies and spiritual dogmas exploit and manipulate. Death wish, served as eternal life in some alternate existence.

As it pertains to organic, i.e., human, psychology.


Female submits to what is powerful; it is swept away, seduced, coerced, bribed, indoctrinated, institutionalized - if not by order then by chaos.
Masculine is always ordering; resisting the movement towards increasing chaos; imposing its own order by seducing, coercing, indoctrinating, institutionalizing, and/or rationally convincing.

Moon = passive. It cannot produce light, it can only reflect it, appropriate, imitate, manipulate it, exploit it; concealing differences, creating the illusion of similarity - hearing is the primary sense - vocalized words.
Herds bray and are vocal - warning, calling out, seeking help, belonging, immersion into cohesive harmonious multiplicities, that act as one.

Sun = dynamic source of light, heat, ordered energy; life giving, life preserving; revealing, exposing divisions, distinctions, differences - vision is the primary sense - actions; creative energies produced by destruction, consumption of order.
Predators are usually and most often silent.


Sounds like “wonder” to me ~~both the verb and the noun.

Both can enrich one’s life if there is value and profound meaning there.

For instance, looking up into the early morning sky and seeing the waning moon in companionship with Jupiter.
Yes, there is a degree of understanding and knowing there but…Ah!

Yes wonder.