
Hi Xunzian,

Regardless the words, I finally reduced my understanding to a rather simple structure. Both that which is faith and that which is belief come from the same wellspring. It is consonance of heart-mind. Belief is of the senses and the constructs of mind. Faith is of the heart , sometimes with mind, sometimes in spite of mind…


I won’t try to convince you that faith is the virtue central to the five virtues but I will say that when considering the exact nature of Li, which is not simply ‘rites’ it is a deep harmony with Heaven, thus appearing to be ritualistic or ‘proper’, one must consider the trinity also bringing faith into a whole new light.

Your thanks belongs to the Heavens.


Well, if we are defining xin as harmonizing with Heaven and Earth in the symbiotic relationship that you describe, then I would agree that it would be the central virtue.

I disagree with your philology on xin, that is all.

I discuss this topic in detail around the middle to end of this thread. … topic=51.0

also see: … opic=133.0

and … topic=25.0

V (Male)

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