Fantasy Content

hey all new member to the forums. I have read and been a lurker on these forums for a long time.
I have a problem in one of my psychology classes where I can not find a psychologist with a theory dealing with fantasy content to apply it to the TAT Test. It has been boggling my mind for two weeks now. The reason I ask here is because I don’t have time to go to a library and research and I can’t find anything on the net… any hel p would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the boards 351. But…

iii) We are not here to do your homework

If you haven’t done your essay due in tomorrow, you’ve come to the wrong place. Organise your time better, read some books, copy someone elses essay. Whatever you do, just don’t come here.


Actually I wasn’t really looking for anybody to do my homework/paper, I am just unfamiliar with the topic and have no clue where to look first. The internet has been no help in finding a psychologist with a fantasy content theory. I was more looking for nudge in the right direction…


What exactly is the question? Elaborate a little bit?

As a rule of thumb, asking questions is no problem… just bring something to the table, in other words… if you’re gonna start a thread, put something in it for us to learn. We love solving problems… we just don’t like doing it for free :smiley:

By fantasy, do you mean dreams, literature, or even fairy tales?

I’m sure you have heard of Freud and Jung…I have Bruno Bettelheim’s The Uses of Enchantment on how telling children fairy tales can provide early pre-conscious moral guidance. Is any of this up your scholarly alley?

Or maybe TheAdlerian will show up and help – he’s s’posed’ta be a real live psychologist.


The local academic library might be a clue.

Sorry liquid, peace on earth is a great fantasy of mine.

Okay, the reason I am asking here is because I originally had my research all laid out (in my head) I was originally going to attempt to apply Freuds Dream content theory, which I am extremely interested in, to a psychological assessment test such as Murrays TAT. But after thinking about, I realized how difficult Freud can sometimes be and getting 6 pages out of him might be difficult.

I do know a little about the TAT test. I want to use this test because I like how it somewhat disguises the real purpose of the test so the participant doesn’t know how to “fake” an answer. I also like it because it requires the psychologist using the test to be more knowledgeable of the subject because there is no specific scoring rubric, unlike many other surveys/tests/polls.

In doing some research on TAT I have discovered that it can also be used in defining what motivates someone. So after looking through more material, I will ask which type of theory interests you more, fantasy content or motivational theories. and whether or not you agree with me on the TAT.

From the minimal amount that I know on either subject. I actually think I prefer the theories of motivation, what drives a person I find pretty interesting. I also Briefly read McClelland’s Three needs theory. And I think this is what I will begin looking at more for my paper.
Again like I said I don’t know much about either subject, but I am interested in both. I am not trying to get “Free” answers off of anybody, just basic opinions and I will probably write my opinion on the more information I learn on the subject.