I wonder if we could start a database of frequently asked questions? Is this a frequently asked question?

I have some.

Why won’t everyone on this thread just accept what I say as revealed truth?

Do you think anyone noticed the cavernous hole in my last argument?

I have something brilliant here. Are any of the women in the forums right now?

What the fuck does that mean?

What the fuck do I mean?

Shit, I wrote that?

Shit, was that Plato or Aristotle that said that?

Why don’t I just go outside and play like the other kids?

Wow, that was just a lucky guess - did they really buy that crap?

How come “Sartre” never looks right, no matter which way I spell it?

Is that really a picture of Bessy?

Shit, what thread am I on?

How can I answer this without reading anything first?

Is Imp agreeing with me, or disagreeing?

Am I agreeing with what I just said, or disagreeing?

Again, it is my hope to expand this database. Please fell free to add any FAQ’s you have.

Is that guy stupid or what?

What is their problem?

How are you still alive?

Does anyone really think that?


Is Faust really as happy with his life as he claims? (I want him to be happy, he’s a genuine bloke)

How did Thirst4Metal ever become interested in Philosophy? (honestly I just don’t get it)

Why does Ben worry so much about being impartial and therefore not post? (loser)

Why does everyone take me so seriously? (Im never serious. Ever.)

Why do I come here, again? (ILP AddictBot version 2.4)

I know there is a point somewhere in his post.

After re-reading your last 7 post responding to me,
I figured it out, you couldn’t understand my point
if it came up and bit you.

Is that your belt size or your IQ?

Honest to god, we are talking about philosophical matters,
not your need to spew crap.

I hope to god there is a fact relevant to the conversation
instead of you just spewing your FEELINGS about the matter
in question.

Are you really that stupid to believe that?


Hello F(r)iends,

Obw, what is there to “get” in someone’s interest in philosophy?


Is that a guy or a girl?

Should I even write this post?

Are my chicken burgers on the bbq burning right now?

Was the beautiful woman staring at the narrator, or at Mr. Jones in the song ‘Mr. Jones’? (she’s lookin at you, oh no no she’s lookin at me)

Are my chicken burgers ever going to cook?

What do you think are in those… actually no don’t answer that.

Who on ILP could dance the best?

What the fuck kind of a name is ‘Stone Phillips’?

As well as an FAQ we should have a FGA (Frequently Given Answers)…

I think so. I’d certainly like to believe so. I’ve known Faust (inasmuch as one knows anyone online) for about 2 years, the only ILPites I’ve known longer being Imp (gawd bless him) and ColinSign (gawd forgive him).

He’s intelligent, entrepreneurial (i.e. imaginative), funny, and loves a good argument. Obviously I know thirst a bit better than you, but trust me, the interest in philosophy makes perfect sense.

Because he’s got eyes on Number 10. He can’t write anything that may be dug up by a tabloid prior to the 2014 election that could be incriminating. Ben is a very subtle megalomaniac. Obviously you know him better than I do, so I could be wrong.

The haircut, the length of your fuse (no phallic reference intended, I mean your lack of ill-temper and nothing more), your obvious intelligence, your apparent sincerity…

Although I’d imagine that you’d say you are rarely ill-tempered precisely because you are not serious, which also makes sense. But you see how the opposite can easily be interpreted from the ‘image’ you put across?

Why not?

Haha… Thirst I love you. Please don’t take it personally. As I say to my long suffering girlfriend most nights - the more I like you, the more I tease you. Also refer to obw faq # 4.

SIATD, you’re great. Keep being great. Your beard is also great. You’re spot on about Ben, although he is student union president elect Bristol now so he has a genuine excuse.

Faust’s FGAs:

Why won’t everyone on this thread just accept what I say as revealed truth?

Argh what is a revealed truth?! Is that absolute or subjective, or merely tapioca?

Do you think anyone noticed the cavernous hole in my last argument?

We did but we let Imp deal with it to avoid any understandings.

I have something brilliant here. Are any of the women in the forums right now?

Define woman.

What the fuck does that mean?

I was only kidding… jeez.

What the fuck do I mean?

This is like iman language - the possibilities are endless.

How come “Sartre” never looks right, no matter which way I spell it?

Honestly, I think Nietszchezxche is worse.

Is that really a picture of Bessy?

Nah Bessy is a shill account I’ve been using to increase advertising revenue this past year. Threads about contraceptives quickly turn into dollars.

Wow, this is much more entertaining than I thought it would be.

By the way, I am pretty fucking happy with my life. I’d be an idiot not to be.

Gobbo - your first two have to be in the top ten. For me, at least.

I’m sure there’s more.

C’mon, now!

is that fuckin SIATD again?

Is what fucking me? Nothing is fucking me. Well, not as I write this.

:laughing: :laughing:

Why would a Neo-Darwinian call himself “Tabula Rasa”?


shit…wheres the fucking delete button?

top right of the post, the little X

persistantmemory - if I ever have a dream about ILP, that question will surely be in it.

Hello F(r)iends,

Well, I hope you take me to dinner before you try to take me to bed…


[size=67]Note: The quote was edited for the purposes of a joke…[/size]

why can’t i leave a thread alone for two days without it turning into a discussion about the last thing on earth related to what i was talking about?

"i dont relly need to speel chek do i?

Why do people keep bringing their goddamned nihlist crises into the philosophy forum?