She drank allot of ethanol.
She parties with fake-friends.
But it hurt her most, that her parents smoked.
Sometimes, she couldn’t breath right, at all.
I was just saying, something like:
And it was… so obvious for me.
It’s kinda spooky
To see dead bodies
Walking around,
And talking.
But, if one is blind unto time,
Everything is the reductive moment.
She said: “How could you forget about me?”
But I know, so well.
I said I remembered, too,
But she was like, deafness.
Some of these people
Are so dead
It's surprising
In a dull... and dead sort of way.
She’s gunnu fade out,
And burn up,
Into smaller elements and simpler materials.
These nova stars,
It’s like: biology, and astrology.
But they just do it.
It’s physics, man.
They wont stop, until they’re done… burning themselves out.