Father, May I?

Is it the case that the government is our parent or father and that the rest of us are children who cannot act on our own accord because we are too immaturely ignorant?

What is the government in this regard? Are we it’s children?

That picture gives me strange emotions that I don’t understand.

I don’t even understand how that picture pertains to my post.

The lady is the government. The kid is us.

Well said.

No, the government is not our father, it is our Big Brother.

The real question is, who is John Galt?

Or, of course, the picture is Oedipal… :wink:

What is the difference between a father and big brother? Both act as benign parent figures.

Who is John Galt? Wouldn’t know. I hate Ayn Rand.

Who is Ron Paul?

Just going with the established analogy for the sake of it’s impact. But otherwise, no, there is no difference.


Her predictions of the withdrawal of the captains of industry into Galt’s Gulch, are both wrong (the captains of industry have buckled under and/or sold out), and fanciful. But her prescient views of the inevitable corruption and ineptitude of big government socialism have been awesomely accurate. They were, after all, based on her observations of socialism at work in her native Russia/USSR.

The question remains a valid cry for the freedom we have surrendered for a handful of magic beans.

On further reflection, I think she turned out to be right on Atlas shrugging. It’s just that instead of dropping out, they’ve sold out. It has the same effect.