Favorite cereal?


i like many:

raison bran, frosted flakes, spensors brand corn flakes.

I was raised by a parent who didn’t “believe” in breakfast cereal, but healthy whole cooked meals, so as soon as I moved I began to buy cereal like a nut case. I still eat cereal almost one meal a day. It is so fucken good!!! :smiley:

Granola… (in all its varieties). Nothing else comes close; ever.

Sugar Corn Pops. Fuckin’ A, man.


capt’n crunch, capt’n crunch

he’s inviting you to munch

capt’n crunch, capt’n crunch

muncha buncha munch a bunch


Non sugary cereals. Loved sugary cereals as a kid, now I can’t stand them. Cereals are best when put in a Peanut butter sandwich. This way you can walk around contiue working and eat your cereal at the same time. The PB and bread substiutes for the milk and bowl. :smiley: